Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rainy Hamp Day

In the Morn

There was a torrential downpour last night, but it was only misting out as I traversed the woodland way into downtown Northampton this morning. I've long been curious about this path turning off from the trail. Where does it go?

I decided today I would find out. The path was quite muddy and puddle-filled.

Fortunately I soon came to this wooden ramp leading into the marshlands.

The ramp leads right to the middle of the swamp, an area where no one would otherwise be able to go. But the view is not particularly scenic.

I'll bet it's a good place for bird watching though, if you're into that. Continuing on my way until I reached downtown, the painter Don Matera was hard at work, as usual undeterred by the weather. However, he had an umbrella, not over himself but over the precious painting.

Like a true artiste Matera considers the painting more important than himself. He doesn't care if he gets soaked, but nothing can be allowed to touch the art! His umbrella reminded me of how the Twig Painter in ol' Pine Point used to sit outside in the rain on Boston Road working beneath an umbrella. Once upon a time the traditional start of summer in Pine Point was when the Twig Painter appeared on the sidewalk. Alas, those days are gone for good.

I noticed that the charity frog has its donation slot sealed with the statement, "No Donations Until Further Notice."

It turns out people are breaking into the frog and stealing the money for the homeless, so they sealed the frog up until they can make it more secure. How low can you go than to steal from the poor? You don't usually see that being done anywhere in the Valley except by Springfield politicians. Then again, maybe the people stealing the money are themselves homeless! Is it wrong for the homeless to steal money meant for the homeless?

While waiting for the bus I chatted with my friend Zak.

Finally the bus to Amherst appeared.

Here is a picture of the mighty Connecticut I took through the rain streaked bus window as we were crossing the Calvin Coolidge bridge.


Today's Video

Have a happy day.

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