Tuesday, May 12, 2009

American Idol & Biggest Loser

Every Tuesday night, I have to make the biggest decision of my life.

Which one do I watch live, and which do I Tivo?

It's like trying to decide which of your children you're going to play with now and which one later. Or which piece of chocolate you're going to eat now and which one you're going to save for later. It's harrowing.

So I did the unthinkable: surfed between the two.

As far as American Idol goes, there's not much to say except: that's a boatload of natural gifting on one stage. Good grief.

My favorite is still Danny Gokey, who was my choice from the first time I saw him, but the other two are brimming with the talent, as well. I do not personally care for Adam's style, but I'm not blind to his ability.

With that said (as they say in "The Bachelor" ad nauseum) I don't believe the premise of the show fits Adam because he has been on big-time stage before, and this show is supposed to pluck unknown underdogs from Denny's and Borders and give them a chance to shine. Also, it's mainly for Pop or Top 40 music, not opera, bluegrass, Broadway or hard rock.

But details, details. In spite of my compulsion as a rule follower to protest, I believe that Adam will win. And you know what? If so, I say, "Ho-hum."

Real Excitement? Biggest Loser Finale!

I never thought I'd enjoy this show so much, but I have been sucked into the real-life dramas of the contestants' lives, loves and struggles. I have been rooting for them and even thinking about the show during the week. No other TV show has done that to me since LOST.

And obviously, I'm interested in weight management, hence the 30 x 5.

So the winner, or "loser" if you will, is Helen. I was rooting for Tara, but I guess it's fun to see a 48 year-old win. Go middle aged ladies!

I do worry that she looks a leetle too thin, though. Hope there's no mental craziness going on there.

So that's it for Biggest Loser. But I'm inspired to keep plugging away. After all, I'm merely 46!

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