Thursday, May 21, 2009

5 Faves of Spring? Some Things I've Wanted to Share With You for a While But Couldn't Decide How to Lump Them Together Until Now

5 Faves of Spring Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story

Welcome to my town's version of The Le Brea Tar Pits.
Yes, I actually got out of my car and took this picture just for you because it belongs in the "I Know You Think I Make This Stuff Up" category. This is a sure sign of spring in our town, which inexplicably boasts some of the worst roads in a state with some of the worst roads in the country. This thing is about 6" deep, so you can imagine what happens when you hit one like this; you almost lose your teeth. Or your car, if it's a Honda.

The further demise of our drive-in theater.
According to this AARP publication, Indiana ranks 3rd in the nation behind New York and PA, respectively, in numbers of drive-in theaters. I myself have never been to one, although this one has been here long enough that Abe Lincoln once took in a couple of matinees before he moved to Illinois. Just kidding. Mamie Eisenhower actually car hopped here. Kidding! Hard to say what the last move shown here was. Looks like "The Exorcist Los Lobos for Sktr. Tr." Apparently, one of those artsy films.

I know that you think the sign on the screen above says "Ski-Hi" as in "Sport of Snow-Hello" but it is actually pronounced, "Sky-High." We Hoosiers have traditionally been ahead of the pack when it come to things like destroying the spelling of words when naming things so that you can never look them up for info because you didn't think to spell the name that funky sort of illiterate way. In short, Al Gore did not invent texting lingo. We did. Or "We done it."

Jorge doing manly things outside with a head lamp.
Recently Big Mama posted about finding her husband, "P," with a head lamp on. I couldn't believe it because Jorge really enjoys this thing, too. This is a pic of him starting our first fire of the year, but it was so dark he needed to see to start it, so he brought out the trusty miner's head lamp. Of course, everywhere he looks, he lights up his life. And the neighbors' lives. It's a little embarrassing. Sometimes in the mornings, he puts this thing on if he wants to gather his clothes for the day but not turn on the overhead light and wake me up. So he thinks wearing this search light will not disturb me. Imagine waking up thinking, "OH my gosh! I'm having Lasik!"

The Spring Choral Concert. I'll be posting more on this later. My kid is on the far left. You know, the one that clearly shines even though she's in the shadows.

OK, this is pretty sweet. This is Charlie Cardinal, Ball State University's mascot. I live in a college town. The cardinal is our state bird. Just looking at this green grass against his scarlet plumage makes me want to tweet. Oh that reminds me; I joined Twitter this week, but I don't know why. I think I need more details to attend to in my life; yeah, that's it!

What are your 5 faves of spring?

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