Monday, May 18, 2009

Do You Remember the First Time You Were Pulled Over?

That is my baby in the picture, driving with a permit. She is about to get her driver's license. But first, she has to learn to parallel park.

I would like to stop right here and ask Al Gore why he even invented parallel parking in the first place. Was he just having a bad day? Is he a maniacal genius who invents Internets AND impossible parking situations?

And why does PP (parallel parking) have to be on a driver's test because real drivers go out of their way to avoid parallel parking. It's like singing; either you're gifted with the ability to parallel park or you're not. I belong to the "not" club.

Anyway, Jorge took Kristin to a small nearby town called Albany to practice antiquated stunt driving techniques also known as parallel parking.

Slowly they pulled in and out. At one point, Jorge drew a diagram to show her something.

In the rearview, Jorge noticed someone following them but didn't say anything to Kristin so as not to upset her.

A few minutes later, they saw red lights behind them, and Jorge gently coached her about pulling over.

The officer said, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

Can you imagine how she felt?

She answered no.

"We received a call saying that someone was driving suspiciously slow through the neighborhood, writing down license plate numbers."

Jorge explained what they were doing.

At this point, a man in a BMW pulled up and said, "They're the ones who were writing down plate numbers!"

The officer, clearly annoyed with this jerk gentleman, did not even address him but waved him on dismissively.

So the officer left, and Jorge tells me that Kristin became upset. Poor thing. It's stressful for any driver to be pulled over, let alone one who doesn't even have a license yet.

Silver lining: At least her dad was with her the first time she was pulled over. Now it's out of the way; she knows what to do if/when there's a next time.

But we cannot figure out what crime people are planning to commit by writing down license plate numbers. Do you know?

And what person couldn't discern that this was a girl with her dad learning to park?

So, do you remember the first time you were pulled over or any other time with an interesting twist? 'Fess up!

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