Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday-What I'm Doing Today

How about "Nearly Wordless Wednesday?"

It's SERVE week here at my church, a week-long blitzing of the city with community service, including things like tearing off shingles, painting, pulling up stumps, planting flowers, visiting nursing homes, having neighborhood block parties, helping to organize public food assistance and women's shelters ... you get the idea. Nearly 130 youth (6th-12th grades) are spending the entire week here as if they are at camp. But the whole SERVE program involves 3 through 19 year-olds.

My main role this year is to be the snack lady at 8:00 pm in our cafe courtyard. After a long day of hard labor, they do love their Oreos and MOUNTAIN DEW. Here is the row of chips, cookies and "drug pop," as I call caffeinated sodas, that I set up before they come in.

Yes, I said "Mountain Dew at 8 pm." Can I also say I'm glad not to be chaperoning them in their rooms at night? Can you imagine all of those teenagers hopped up on drug pop trying to settle down and go to sleep?! But here's how happy they are after grazing on Mt. Sugar which has a river running through it: The Sucrose.

Traditionally on Wednesday of SERVE, we have the hog roast and requisite jump in the lake.

The week culminates on Friday evening with a big free-to-the-community "Party in the Parking Lot" (PIP), where there are tons of free prizes, food, inflatable games, etc., with the goal of blessing the community and opening up an option for people to check out the church.

The first two pics are my Abilenian boss, our youth pastor:

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