Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First Day of Vacay

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I mean my week-long vacation.

During this week at some point (I'm being coy about the exact dates in case you try to rob me and/or TP my yard) we are going to TN for my daughter's dance competition.

Until then, I'd like to do some maxin' and relaxin' on my deck with my library book Delta Wedding by Eudora Welty. I'm in the mood to don a floppy woven hat, read Southern female writers and sip "sweet tea" on my veranda, er, deck.

But before I can allow myself to do that, I must flog myself with a good long run in the heat so that I can sweat like no Southern gentlewoman ever did, or at least admitted to. Then I will have earned the right to read.

We are also probably going to go purchase a CRV today, which is another event high on the list of things that make me sweat. Ugh.

Then, maybe after I purchase the vehicle this afternoon, I can allow myself to sit by a backyard fire tonight and just stare into the flames, which I thoroughly enjoy except when the Chiggers bite like they did the other night. By the way, experts claim that putting nail polish on Chigger bites isn't effective, but I think it is. So I have very shiny ankles right now, but it's worth bearing to get lost in a crackling, climbing fire.

If you haven't noticed, escape is the theme of the day for me. I am so ready to get away from work and everyday things like laundry that even escaping mentally if not physically sounds really good.

I am ready to implode and enjoy it.

Postcard: "Having a great time on the Middle-America DIY back porch with gorgeous view of privacy fence, pretending I'm in Savannah. Wish you were here."

Have a great day, Y'all.

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