Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stolen Art Watch, Pink Panthers Treated as Financial Terrorists, Rather Than Financial Nationalists !!

Manhunt yields arrest of Eastern European criminal
Apprehended suspect in 'Pink Panther' style heist

Monaco police arrested at least one suspected member of the "Pink Panther" international jewel thieves, investigators said. And two other men arrested with him are also suspected to be members of an Eastern European crime syndicate involved in thefts, drug and human trafficking, murder and kidnappings.

Officials at Monaco's ministry of public security refused to comment on what progress they were making in their questioning of the Eastern Europeans citing the ongoing investigation across the border of 8 countries.

The three were picked up on Thursday as they were parking in Monte Carlo's Place du Casino, where several jewellery shops are located. Police threw the men to the ground and had to use taser guns to subdue the thugs. The police action, which appeared to have come just in time to prevent yet another robbery in the Principality, drew huge crowds of spectators who ostensibly applauded the police conduct and success.

Interpol has been coordinating the work of several police forces to track down the gang, thought to number around 60 members.

The group is suspected of having carried out raids in the Mediterranean millionaires' playground of Monte Carlo, the French Channel resort of Le Touquet, as well as in Germany and the Swiss cities of Lausanne and Geneva. It has also been linked to robberies as far afield as the United States, Japan and the United Arab Emirates, where the 'Panthers' carried out a spectacular heist.

In October 2008, Monaco police arrested two suspected members of the "Pink Panther" in the same square. Two Montenegrins, suspected "Pink Panther" members, were jailed for 14 years each by a French court earlier this month on charges relating to forged papers.

And on Sunday, Montenegrin police, acting on an Interpol warrant, arrested Vladimir Lekic, another suspected member of the gang, at his home in the central town of Cetinje.
Art Hostage Comments:
Dragan Mikic and the Pink Panthers are not financial Terrorists they are are Financial Nationalists.
If proof of this were needed then one only has to ask the question
"Why would Dragan Mikic and the Pink Panthers carry on with these jewel and art heists as they already have accumulated considerable wealth ??"
There are much easier ways to make millions from drugs and arms, especially as these guys have military training.
No, the real reason why the Pink Panthers carry out these heists is to draw attention to the fact Serbia and Montenegro should be allowed to join the EU.
Rather than send suicide bombers to highlight the Serbian and Montenegrin cause, these guys are much more subtle and act in a manner that makes the general public sort of admire the sheer audacity and cunning of these Pink Panthers.
Art Hostage has said it many times, allow Serbia and Montenegro into the EU and all Pink Panther activity will cease.
On the subject of the stolen Swiss paintings, Cezanne, Degas and two Picasso's, they were not taken for profit they were taken to highlight the injustice of both Serbia and Montenegro being denied entry into the EU and they will appear once EU membership is forthcoming.
To be continued....................................

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