Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The (not so) Serious Business of an Art Picnic

Every 2 weeks I meet with a great group of creative women entrepreneurs in my 'hood. We're there to encourage and support one another as we face the challenges of our various businesses. We celebrate our successes, talk through fears and struggles, share resources and strategies. It's invaluable! One of the things that totally amped up the power and connection of the group was when we turned our coffee meetings into art picnics.

What's an art picnic? In January, I interviewed the ever-inspiring artist Leah Piken Kolidas of Creative Every Day for a series of interviews with highly creative bloggers that became the e-collection Your Creative Spark. One of the things Leah shared was her concept of art picnics - getting down on the floor, spreading out your art goodies and letting yourself play!

I mentioned this to the group; eyes brightened, ears perked up, and we gave it a try. Everyone brings a few things to the table at the coffee shop we've set up as home. Magazines, scissors, envelopes, stickers, origami paper, book pages, magnets, inspiring Yogi tea tags, everywhere. And we cut and paste... or not. We chat. We laugh. We get teary. Amidst the creative activity, we ask each other, "How do you deal with..." "Do you know anybody who..." "What do you think about..." And somehow, amidst the play, the conversation is easier, the pressure less and the flow so easy and natural.

And if you have an upcoming meeting of some kind, whether it's for work or business or volunteering or your community, why not bring a few art supplies and see what happens? See what a little creativity can do to the tone, the content and the progress of the meeting. I'd love to hear what it's like for you - and I bet Leah would too!

If you'd like to experience an art picnic for yourself, Leah leads Virtual Art Picnics. She's a wonderfully encouraging, gentle leader and is sure to create a safe and supportive space for your creative exploration. Her next Virtual Art Picnic is June 17th. You can find out more about it here.

What would happen if you brought your creativity with you everywhere? (PS. You do)

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