Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What Creating the Meme Taught Me

Two Wednesdays ago, I posted my very first own meme consisting of 12 random questions. Honestly, I did it because I didn't have anything else to post that first day, and I had always wanted to try one.

I have to say I am receiving a huge kick out of most people's answers. It is great fun, like hosting a party where you don't have to clean your house before and after the party. Just straight socializing! Woo!

Last week, a site called "Sunday Stealing" picked up my meme, which I was happy about, and from there, several other people participated. I tried to make the rounds to visit everyone who replied, but I didn't make it to all.

I have to tell you, I was surprised by some of the Sunday Stealing people's answers. Let's just say I quickly realized that I usually blog within an insulated little world of nice moms. Newsflash: not everyone out there is a nice mom.

What I couldn't figure out is the number of people who seemed to resent the meme! It was like someone forced them to participate. Very strange.

So instead of feeling happy, I left some sites feeling like I had been jostled about on a crowded city bus. I mean, on a city bus, people don't mean to be evil, but they're just not happy to be on the bus, and they normally don't want to chat; they just want to get where they're going and get off the bus. I felt like people were answering the questions when they really just wanted to get off the bus.

Question: Why would anyone participate in a meme he/she didn't like?

I do want to say thank you for being you, even if you didn't do the memes. I appreciate each and everyone of you who read here and occasionally comment. Thank you for being nice and polite and everything. Your moms would be proud.

Other things creating the meme taught me:

1. I like questions that require a little thought and creativity.
2. Some people don't like the thoughtful questions. They want to do shorter ones, the "either/or" ones, like: "Lysol or 409?" So from now on, I'll mix thought-provoking with easy, I guess.
3. I don't mind if people don't answer every single question, no big deal at all. But I am put off when they they get weird and say, "How the h*** would I know???" (I want to reply, "Duh. It's YOUR head we're talking about here. Squeeze your eyes real tight and form a thought," but I don't say that, of course.)
4. Every time I answer someone else's meme, I will remember that the creator may see my answers. I will never be a grouchy, insulting bus rider. I'll either be civil or get off the bus.
5. Once you start coming up with questions, new ones come to you all during the week. You feel obsessed with creating fun questions.
6. I am genuinely interested in reading people I have never met. For some reason, I want to know whether or not they like Twitter and Twilight. Notice I didn't say whether they're "into" Twitter or Twilight. I got called out on that twice.
7. People can take any innocent phrase and make it ... risque. Who knew that "hoist your sails," as in "make you enthusiastic or interested," was a euphemism for a male anatomical event?
8. Lots of people are "into" erotica.
9. Lots of people are "into" vampires.
10. I thought most women changed handbags (or purses, depending on your region) with outfits. I was wrong, at least in my small sampling.
11. I thought most people would answer that they are people-oriented rather than task-oriented, but I was wrong. Maybe that's because to be a faithful blogger, you've got to appreciate finishing something regularly, which means exercising focus and dedication. Just a theory.
12. I never knew that the Bob Evans restaurant chain is a regional thing; I thought it was as well known as Wendy's or Steak-N-Shake.
13. Lots of people like pumpkin spiced drinks.
14. When I asked about leaving a theater before a movie was over, I anticipated that people would respond that they didn't like a movie or were embarrassed or afraid, but most said it was because they got physically sick, except one said she left to go to the car to make out with the boyfriend. :)
15. Most people are wonderful.
16. Some need to get off the bus.

Whew. Now I feel better.

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