Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In the Memetime, Back at the Ranch ...

OK, here are my answers:

1. Which is worse: a long, boring meeting or standing in a return/exchange line after Christmas?

The line is worse because you're standing instead of sitting, for one thing. Also, I can have fun in my head at most meetings, unless people in the meeting are crunching numbers. And then I just go to my happy place until the storm is over.

2. Except for maybe Rosie O'Donnell or Ann Coulter, nobody likes confrontation, yet we all have to deal with it. When you feel cornered and defensive, do you "bite back" or become passive aggressive?

I used to just withdraw from the cause of the friction, not so much to pout as to remove myself from the pain or pain in the neck, as it were. (Classic defense mechanism.) Now I am more likely to ask questions to make my point or to hint to the person that she has disturbed me, which is only a teensy bit passive. I tend to be more vocal about causes than about personal offenses. For instance, don't try to engage me in a debate about Terri Schaivo. I will tear your head off and feel no guilt.

3. Do you know anything about your genealogical background? (What country, culture, ties to prominent historical figures, or other stuff.)

Mother's maiden name: Garrett (Irish). She claims we are related to the WWI hero Alvin C. York, but a lot of people around these here parts claim Alvin, so I'm not so sure about that. I am, however, sure that I am a fan of the 1941 Gary Cooper movie Sergeant York. Dad says we are Pennsylvania Dutch. I'm not sure what that is except it sounds like anyone with this bloodline ought to be able to cook things like dumplings, and I can't, so I don't think I believe him.

4. What is the quickest way a person can endear him/herself to you?

Act interested in my kids.
Speak kindly about his/her own parents or grandparents.
Squat down to talk to a small child face to face in a soft but not baby voice.
Be a fan of Mr. Rogers.
Show mercy to animals.
Put other people at ease. A person who possesses the ability and desire to put other people at ease is a stellar person, in my opinion.

5. Cake, pie, cookies, or ice cream? (Note there is no "all of the above" option. You must choose one. Feel free to elaborate on flavor or memories tied to this dessert.) If you'd like, you can share a recipe, but you certainly don't have to.

I like them all, but No Bake cookies are my favorite. I once wrote a newspaper column about them. They are my Kryptonite. I know the recipe by heart. Sometimes I cannot have all the ingredients in the house at the same time or I can't stop making/eating them. I'd rather have these than cake for my birthday.

2 cups sugar
1 stick butter (1/2 cup)
1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 c. cocoa
1/2 cup peanut butter
3 cups oats

In a medium saucepan, combine all ingredients except peanut butter, oats and vanilla. Cook over medium heat. Bring to rolling boil, stir constantly and boil for 5 mints.

Immediately remove from heat and stir in peanut butter, vanilla and oats.

Spoon out quickly onto wax paper or aluminum foil.

Cookies will harden as they set. But if they don't set up, don't worry. Just eat them out of a bowl and call them Goop Cookies, which is what we do.

6. Females: Do you regularly change your handbag to coordinate with your outfit?

Yeah, I do for the most part.

7. Are you task-oriented or relationship-oriented?

Definitely task-oriented, which can be off-putting to people who are more relational. I like people; I really do, but when I'm in the middle of a task, I don't like to be interrupted and have to switch gears and then start over, etc. I'm very linear. I don't multi-task like a lot of women.

8. IHOP, Bob Evans or Cracker Barrel?

Cracker Barrel. And I want one of those rocking chairs.

9. Have you ever left a movie in progress in a theater? Why?

Yes. Jorge and I left The Benchwarmers, with Rob Schneider, David Spade, and Jon Heder. I wanted to see it because I LOVE Napoleon Dynamite (Jon Heder's movie), but it was the lamest movie I've ever seen. I couldn't believe how not funny it was with those three guys in it. I also left Slumdog because I couldn't stand the violence. I just couldn't do it. I read The Kiterunner but couldn't see the movie for that reason, either.

10. What is one area of life in which you would like to develop more discipline or organization?

Finances. Garage. Kitchen cabinets.

11. Was middle school fun or painful?

Painful. Thank goodness for 9th grade, the best of my four high school years, by the way.

12. What is your favorite Fall beverage?

Spiced cider.

OK, are you in? If so, link it on up, baby, or leave your answers in my comments!

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