Thursday, September 10, 2009

Friday's Fave Five

TGI Friday's Fave Five again. This is the 53rd week edition! Woo to the Hoo! Here's to another year of fun, Susanne.

1. My boss has decided that for at least the next few weeks, we'll be having our Monday morning staff meeting at Panera. Hey, if you've gotta have a staff meeting bright and early on a Monday morning, having it at Panera makes it a whole lot better. It's probably my favorite restaurant. Favorite breakfast sandwich: Egg and Cheese on Ciabatta. It has white cheddar cheese. Mmm. Calories? Oh please. When Queen Elizabeth wears her crown, do you think she wants to be reminded of how much it weighs? No, she doesn't.

2. At my weekly Girls' Group, the word "hoo-hoo" evoked much discussion. I'm happy to report to the group and to you that while some people have attributed rather embarrassing associations to the word, there is indeed a legitimate organization called The International Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo which is "dedicated to the ideals of a united and progressive forest-based industry, contributing to the welfare of the community."

In addition, the organization brochure states that "Hoo-Hoo forges friendships that will last a lifetime. The cooperation of many people working together for the betterment of the industry can move a mountain as easily as an individual moves a stone. You can be a part of a century of cooperation that is the Concatenated Order of the Hoo Hoo." Perhaps I should send this in-depth report to Oprah so that she will start using the term correctly.

So the next time someone tries to slander the good name of the "Hoo Hoo," you have the tools to clear up any misconceptions.

3. Boca Burgers! I think they have that "acquired taste" requirement, but I'm lovin' them. It's like a hamburger for me minus the meat, with tons of protein. Did I mention that when Kristin graduates, Jorge and I are probably going to go vegetarian? Yep, that's what we're planning. Looks like Jorge is gonna have to learn to love the Boca, too.

4. Ministry Assistants' Retreat. Each year, the church gives the ministry assistants a day away from the office so that we can catch up on personal stuff (because no one ever shares personal stuff during the work week, you know) and affirm each other and do team-building games and have lunch delivered by pastors and get our nails and toenails done.

Divided into two teams, we had to see who could make the tallest structure out of newspapers in 10 minutes. Please see exhibit A: The TeePee and Exhibit B) The Fancy House. Which do you think I contributed to?

Uh, yeah, my team won, of course.

Playing the new Catch Phrase, which, let me tell you, is way more challenging than the old version.

Here are the pastors who brought our catered food. Nice guys, all. The one on the right is the head pastor at the church I attend. I stole the "easy chair vs. dentist chair" question from him.

I went platinum because I was feeling ... platinum? I was embarrassed that my feet were so torn up from running. She made a couple of remarks about my feet:"Nails too short," "Rough heels," "What is THAT?"

5. I alluded to this yesterday, but today is a favorite day because it's my daughter's 23rd birthday. She's hanging out with friends tonight, so I'm not sure if we'll celebrate or not. Is there a time when your kids get too old for birthday cakes??

Happy Birthday, Katie! Twenty Three. 23!

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