Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Random Dozen 9.9.09

1. What is something that you have changed your mind about either recently or over a number of years?

2. Choose either subject, but does your a) church b) job feel more like a dental chair experience or an easy chair (recliner) experience?

3. Kisses or hugs? I actually typed "huts," which might have been a more interesting question.

4. What do you think is the biggest threat to families today?

5. A day after you grocery shop, you open a perishable item that is horribly spoiled. Do you take your receipt back to the store to be reimbursed or just throw it away and forget about it?

6. What personality trait (feel free to address good or bad or both) do you notice yourself adopting from your parents?

7. How many slices of bread do you leave in the bottom of the bag when you throw it away? Two? Three? Just the heel? None? (I really want to know if you eat the heel.)

8. What mispronunciation or usage error really irritates you?

9. In honor of the uniqueness of today's date, what does the numeral 9 mean to you? (Any special life moments attached to the 9th? Are you the 9th kid in your family? Can you count by 9s really fast? etc.)

10. Does the general color palette in your closet match the colors you chose to decorate your home with?

11. When you're hanging out with friends in the kitchen, do you automatically ask to help, or do you sit there and chat until the host asks if you'd like to help? I'm not implying that the 2nd choice stems from rudeness or laziness, just not a first-response like it is for some people.

12. Let's end on a pleasant note: What do you enjoy about September the most?

Thanks for participating!

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