Thursday, September 17, 2009

Friday's Fave Five

Seems like just seven days ago I was uploading the button and linking to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for yet another edition of "Friday's Fave Five." Because that's what I did seven days ago.

Anyway, here we are, at the end of the work week once again, which brings me 'round to number one on my list:

1. Fridays. Not the restaurant, but the day. Some love Saturdays or Sundays, but for me, Friday is the favorite day of the week because it inspires all kinds of hopes for the weekend; the world is your oyster on Fridays. There's so much time ahead, you know, like 48 hours or something, to fill however you wish. Fridays are just brimming with possibilities.

Do I always meet my Friday ideals over the weekend?

No, no I don't. But at least I don't have to fight a copier machine or answer the phone: "Oneighty. This is Lidna. May I help you?" only to be hung up on.

Part of my healthier eating habits includes Brummel and Brown spreads, which are made of yogurt. Check out that strawberry spread.

I agree with the website:

* Love it because it's blended with natural yogurt
* Love it because it has half the fat and calories of butter
* Love it because it contains 85% less saturated fat than butter
* Love it because it has absolutely no cholesterol and 0 g trans fat per serving
* Love it because it has a mere 45 calories per tablespoon

Most of all, I love it because it tastes good.

Why do I sound like a kid doing a Welch's Grape Juice commercial??

3. Great Value (Wowmart) Early Rise orange drink. Normally, the thought of orange flavored anything makes me go "blech." But I fell in love with this drink and have it every single day. It offers you 100% of your vitamin C with with a few other vites, to boot. Zero calories. ZERO.

It comes in little straw-like packages that you tear open and pour into your bottled water, like Crystal Light.

4. Biggest Loser: Contestant Abby Rike. This is probably my favorite TV show besides Lost. This season one of my early favorites is a young woman who lost her husband, 5 year-old daughter and newborn son in an automobile accident. She is learning to cope and live again. She wants to be healthy. I want that for her, too! She is inspiring. AND she made Jillian shed a tear, which is golden.

5. Job Shadowing week at the high school. I mean really. Did you think there would be anyone else in the whole wide world my daughter would want to shadow besides her dear old mom?

If you answered, "no, there isn't," then you are naive. But that would take effort on her part to set up an appointment with someone and put herself out of her comfort zone, so she was stuck with me. Then she dragged her friend along and picked up another classmate, as well.

So my boss put the girls to work painting signs, labeling files, filing files, applying labels, etc. Now the mystery surrounding my job is spoiled for her. And I'm sure she's feeling she can never ascend to the heights of a profession such as mine. I mean it takes a lot to master answering the phone like this: "Oneighty. This is Kritsin; may I help you?"

Here my boss is demonstrating how to ... hold a marker?

Here are office side-hugs. It's what youth ministry people do.

And now here's a little MySpace blingy weekend hug for you. Just picture me swooping in from the side.

great weekend Pictures, Images and Photos

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