Friday, September 4, 2009

Lesson Plan- (Pre K - K) Creation- Day Five: Creatures in the Seas and Sky

Creation- Day Five: God Created Creatures in the Seas and Sky

Objective: The children will be able to
- retell the story of Creation
- explain what God created
- identify what God created on the fifth day

Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson.

Vocabulary Words:

Pick the words that you want to use from below: Creation Theme Word Wall Words
Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words. Creation Word Wall
Use these printable Word Wall cards to go through the days of creation with your children. There are also key words from the creation story in Genesis chapter 1. (Scroll down for this.) God Made Word Wall
Arrange the words according to the directions. Have “God made” already on the board and ask the children to find the correct answer.


Circle Time:

God Made the World- The Humongous Book of Preschool Ideas by Group Publishing, page 7 - 9. Read story for day 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Use Creation Cards to help the children remember what happened for day one, two, three, four, and five.


1. What did God make the first day? Light
2. What did God make the second day? Sky
3. What did God make the third day? Seas, land, and plants.
4. What did God make the fourth day? Sun, moon, and stars.
5. What did God make the fifth day? Creatures in seas and sky.

Songs and/or Finger Plays:

Introduce songs and/or finger plays: Who created heaven and the earth? God Creation Song Days of Creation Song Creation Songs (several posted here) God Made (finger play) Puggles Creation Finger Play You Are God’s Creation (finger play) I Have Two Eyes (finger play)

Bible Crafts:

Introduce craft: What did God make on the fifth day? Creatures in the seas and sky. Day 5 (coloring)
Children can color this and glue small feathers on the birds. Paper Plate Bird Craft Paper Plate Bird Mask How Many Colorful Birds? (a book for early readers)
A short, printable book for early readers, about colorful birds and the numbers from 1 to 10, with pages for the student to cut out, items to count and color, and a short phrase to copy. Changeable Fish in Water Picture

Aquarium Paper Plate Fish Tank- (The Little Hands Big Fun Craft Book: Creative Fun for 2- To 6-Year-Olds by Judy Press, page 138 & 139.) Fish in a Fish Bowl Craft Glue Starfish Craft/Necklace
(You can draw a star shape on the wax paper to make it easier for the children.) In The Sea (a book for beginning readers)
Print out the pages to make a In The Sea early reader book for beginning readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, color and copy a short phrase. The pages are about a fish, whale, seal, starfish, shell, shark, crab, octopus, jellyfish, shrimp, and clam. Ocean Animal Book (a printable book for early readers)
A short book about ocean animals to print (for early readers), with pages on fish, shark, squid, jellyfish, dolphin, crab, octopus, shrimp, orca, clam, and lobster.


Introduce game: What did God make on the fifth day? Creatures in the seas and sky.

What’s That Animal?- Show pictures of animals from the seas and sky and have the children name the animal.

Where Does The Animal Live?- Show pictures of animals from the seas and sky and have the children tell you where they live.

Where Do They Belong?- Have pictures of animals from the sea and sky. Have the children separate them into groups: animals from the sea, animals from the sky. Animal Riddles
Say the animal riddles and have the students guess which animal it is. (Butterfly, frog, gold fish, crocodile, octopus, parrot, starfish, turtle, whale)

Animal Charades- One student acts out an animal from the sea or sky while the others try to guess what it is. Whoever guesses correctly gets to act out an animal. Feed the Whale Game
Make the milk jug whale according to the directions. Have the children drop some Pepperidge Farm Fish Crackers into the container. Ask the children how many fish did they feed the whale? Flip the Fish Game (scroll down to this under Day 5)


Introduce snack: What did God make on the fifth day? Creatures in the seas and sky. Cup o’ Fish
Make an edible aquarium in a cup.


Prayers while students are doing coloring and/or puzzles.

Color Day 5 and save page to make a book for later:

Creation booklet (Bible Stories from A to Z, page 16 & 17)- Click on Sample Pages and go to page 16 & 17. The Story of Creation (mini book) Creation (mini book)
Scroll down to this.

Day 5 (handwriting and coloring sheet)

The Great Bible Big Fun Activity Book: From the Old and New Testaments by Toni Lind
The Fifth Day- Creatures of the Sea. Can you find the matching fish?

On the fifth day of creation, God created the fish of the seas and the birds in the air. Which outline matches exactly the outline of the completed fish. (More 365 Activities for Kids on January 2). How many fish are in the water? Follow the directions and color the birds correctly. Fish (dot-to-dot) Butterfly (dot-to-dot) Day Five (puzzle)

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