Friday, November 26, 2010

I am not smiling with Sarah.

I am out of my element, so posting has been hard for me. I traveled over the holiday weekend, and, as I expected, the experience was quite pleasant. The TSA folks couldn't have been nicer.

Anyway, I haven't been watching too much news, but it looks like this Korean conflict is heating up. Still, as this crisis continues to escalate, I am sure that many of you are thankful that Sarah Palin is not next in line to hold the most powerful position in the world. I hate to beat a dead...OK, that's a lie, I actually enjoy beating up on Sarah, but can you imagine her calling Kim Jong il and telling him not to worry because A-merry-ca has his back? Don't laugh. I really believe that she does think he is a friend. But that's what I believe. Even if you agree with Mitchell Bard who wrote a great article for the Huffington Post, (excerpt below) you have to acknowledge how dangerous Sarah Palin truly is.

I know that folks on the right and all of her fans are going to call it a simple slip of the tongue, but this latest verbal faux pas goes to much deeper issues with Sarah.

"The real story, though, isn't that Palin said "North" instead of "South." Let's be honest: Vice President Joe Biden could have just as easily blown a line like that.

No, the real story is that Palin was discussing a complex, precarious, highly dangerous issue as if she were an expert, even though she clearly isn't.

Does anyone outside of Palin's relatively small group of smitten followers honestly believe that she is competent to act as an expert on Korean policy? That she knows the intricacies and risks of engaging with the North Koreans? That she understands the possible leadership struggle going on there? Do you think she has the first clue about the history of Korea over the last century? Do you think she's ever heard of Syngman Rhee, the Bodo League massacre, the Battle of Inchon, or National Security Council Report 68, or that she knows about the decades of Japanese rule in Korea? Do you think she's ever read about the role the propaganda efforts of the post-Stalin Soviet government played in the eventual armistice that ended the fighting?"

Of course we don't, and there in lies the problem: She is a intellectual lightweight who has been elevated to a status by her followers that she cannot live up to. And,of course, she knows this, she has to be aware of her limitations. But it's too late for her to come clean now. She is like a grifter who is too deep into the con to reveal her true self.

Let' s hope that the con doesn't last until November, 2012.

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