Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Rant.

It's Friday evening and I have so much to say and so little time.

Let's see, where do I begin? I think I will start with our future president, Sarah Palin. Girlfriend is calling the first lady a racist in her new book:

"Washington (HuffPo)– In passages leaked from her forthcoming book America by Heart, Sarah Palin — the erstwhile quitter governor of Alaska, who now, by all indications, fancies herself as President of the United States — has taken another cheap shot at First Lady Michelle Obama.

In a passage on perceptions of racial inequality in the United States, Palin slams President Barack Obama, who, she asserts, “seems to believe” that “America — at least America as it currently exists — is a fundamentally unjust and unequal country.”

Certainly his wife expressed this view when she said during the 2008 campaign that she had never felt proud of her country until her husband started winning elections. In retrospect, I guess this shouldn’t surprise us, since both of them spent almost two decades in the pews of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church listening to his rants against America and white people."

OKaaayy....let's move on. I won't even comment on this one. Now if Michelle wants to kick off her heels, pull out her earrings, and have a real girl fight with Palin; she will get my undivided attention. Anything short of seeing Sarah catch a beat down is not really worthy of my time. Sarah, it must be really hard to be a hater. Especially when Michelle keeps getting love like this.

I am actually going to leave the Big R alone tonight, although I could go there. He is still in full effect. From Kansas to right here in my hometown, the Big R is flexing his muscles and daring me to catch him. But I am not going to chase tonight. It's Friday, I am trying to relax. I will come out and play some other time.

It looks like the folks over at Radio Rwanda are taking their O jones to a whole different level. Now they are criticising O's children's book. Yep, his children's book. It seems they have some issues with him showing some love to Sitting Bull.

"It is not common for Fox News to take issue with something President Obama does. In fact, it seems to take issue with everything he does. Now the network is attacking him for a new children's book he wrote.

On Wednesday, "Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters" hits bookstores. It is a book that highlights 13 Americans "whose traits he sees in his own children" according to a USA Today story about the book.

When listing those people, the article mentions almost in passing "His most controversial choice may be Sitting Bull, who defeated Custer at Little Bighorn."

Obama writes of Sitting Bull:

(He) was a medicine man who healed broken hearts and broken promises. It is fine that we are different. (He) spoke out and led his people against many policies of the United States government. He is most famous for his stunning victory in 1876 over Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer in the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

Fox News certainly wasn't to let that pass, running an article on its web site titled "Obama Praises Indian Chief Who Killed U.S. General." It was later corrected to "Obama Praises Indian Chief Who Defeated U.S. General" for "historical accuracy," which is Fox's way of saying it made a mistake without really saying it made a mistake.

The brief article itself doesn't say anything else critical, but the headline said it all.

"If President Obama patted a child on the head, Fox News would probably accuse him of assault," Indiana University historian Ed Linenthal said. [Source]

Actually, Mr. Linenthal, they would accuse him of rape.

Finally, I see that Uncle Sam is sending Wesley Snipes to the slammer for three years. Sorry Wesley, you have to render unto Uncle Sam....but three years? "White Men Can't Jump, but they can sure put the hammer on a brotha.

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