Monday, August 23, 2010

Week in Review: August 16-22

This week the girls started school! They were so excited. And, so far, so good. Zoey was thrilled to have real desks like the big kids. She was SO hoping for a desk--- & when I picked her up on the first day of school the first thing she said to me was, "Real desks! Just like I wanted!" And Pazely was squealing about what a great day it was. Nothing specific, just: "It was GREAT!!!" Happy school girls. I like. Let's just keep it that way.

The family hit the road to stay the night in a hotel this weekend--just 40 miles away. We did that one other time this summer & it is a HIT with the girls! We thought we'd give a little celebratory praise to the end of summer & the first week of school.

I'm in the process of working out a schedule for myself. I need to be able to fit everything into my days: things that NEED to get done combined with things I WANT to get done. This new life of mine in Nebraska  has brought about a lot of new things in my daily meanderings. And I don't want the crafty & creative part of me to get left out of the mix. Sometimes you just need to readjust your schedule or priorities. This is one of those times.

As you may, or may not, have noticed, I haven't been blogging every day. It was TRULY something fun to do for the summer. But, gosh, it's a lot of work to blog every day. I like going back to my usual routine: blogging when inspiration hits, or when I want to show off a new crafty project, or I just want to brag about something or ramble about nothing. That's the rhythm I like best.

For a photo play-by-play click HERE.

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