Thursday, November 6, 2008

Soul Coaching Day 5: Clutter - Energy Up/Energy Down

I love that part of our decluttering process today was noticing whether things brought our energy up/down or left it neutral. What a powerful practice! How often do we actively notice our reponses? It seems helpful too that this isn't a question of judgement. You don't have to ask yourself whether you like it or need it or anything. You simply ask, does it give me energy, take my energy or does it have no energetic impact. Great information!

How important this is also resonates with me as I pursue training in body-centred coaching. Today I did a variety of sessions, inviting clients to notice their responses to options they are considering. There is so much information that's available to us when we listen.

This up/down/neutral noticing today not only inspired decluttering for me today but also made me get into action on some things that truthfully only took a minute to do but have been draining my energy daily.

Bringing my energy down...
  • The beautiful clock I bought myself as a celebratory gift had a dead battery in it. Each day as I worked with a client, this non-ticking clock looked back at me. I went downstairs, got a battery and presto - energy up!
  • The gift that someone gave me that had all the right components (sparkly, clear) but that I simply didn't like - gone!
  • A beautiful, sparkly pink crystal sitting on my desk in a box waiting to be put up - see below.
  • My headset, a crucial coaching tool, recently stopped working. I bought a new one that works, sounds even better and has a new and improved mute button but man, oh, man, did I find it hard to throw out the old one - but I did!

Bringing my energy up...

  • The people in my life that I love
  • The beautiful, sparkly pink crystal now hanging in my window
  • Our good pot with the heavy base
  • My golden brown '70s-vibe cords (I never thought I'd be able to describe something I wore with those words but I l-o-o-o-ve them)
  • My black Geox boots
  • My green quilted bag
  • My wallet
  • Our mailbox
  • Our red couch

Thinking about the energy-up items really helped me see that I've made progress in renovating my wardrobe and around the house - which amped the energy even more! Now I'm looking forward to scooting around and seeing what you discovered on Day 5!

This month I'm exploring Denise Linn's Soul Coaching with an inspirational group of bloggers at The Next Chapter: Soul Coaching.

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