Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Soul Coaching Day 3: Clearing

Today's Soul Coaching task is clearing clutter. I was deeply surprised by how emotional this was for me. It was clear to me that this stirring was related to the the request I made on Day 1: "I request the Universe's help in moving my forward in honouring self-expression."

Though Denise recommended clearing the very personal space of your bedroom or bathroom, I worked on my personal space: my studio. I walked in. Overwhelm. I walked out. Then I drew on Flylady's wisdom and decided to only spend 15 minutes decluttering. I added great music and a good cup of coffee and chose a small area of the room to clean and clear.

What amazed me was in this small area, there were the seeds of so many ideas and projects. I had piles of pages and folders, pictures and notes. Each one was a beginning, sitting on the floor, neglected. It hurt my heart.

Which reminds me of what happened last night.

Last night I got a call from my husband, "I'm almost home. I've found a really sick cat. I think she'll die if I leave her. What should I do?" I grabbed the carrier and headed out to meet my honey, who was walking down the street with this skinny, skinny beauty in his arms. We brought her in and called animal services. We gave her some water, some love and some Reiki and let her go. May she find love and care. And in this we were flooded with memories of the loss of our dear Bascha who passed away this year.

And so in this air week of clearing, lots of emotions are being stirred. And I'm seeing how much easier it is to be with my emotions when there is space to breathe.

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