Monday, February 15, 2010

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner and Random Dozen Preview

**EDIT: It has been graciously pointed out to me that I have repeated question #6 at #11. I will have you know that this passed my laser-like editing skills THREE times before I posted. Again I ask the rhetorical: "What is wrong with my brain?" I plead cold medicine brain. OK, so you know what? PLEASE MAKE YOUR OWN QUESTION FOR SPOT #11 AND ANSWER. THAT WILL PROBABLY BE WAY BETTER THAN WHAT I WOULD HAVE COME UP WITH, ANYWAY!!

The winners were chosen by a random integer selector, which is easier than it sounds, since I kept Googling phrases like, "Random Dozen Selector. Random Dozen Integer. Random Dozen Numbers." What is wrong with my brain? That was a rhetorical question.

Anyway, the winners are:
Aprons: Deven of The Daily Swan
T-shirts: SouthLakesMom at I Didn't Know That!
And my Co-Lid, Linda, at Mocha With Linda

Ladies, the gifts were shipped off Saturday, so be on the look-out. Deven, no pressure, but we'd love to see a pic of you and your little girl in the aprons.

Do you guys like these apron giveaways? Because I have a source which seems never to dry up: Sherry, my volunteer friend at the bookstore just outside the office where I work. Not that some of my friends are volunteer and some are paid; I mean she volunteers at the bookstore.

Although this begins with a salute to the Olympics, you'll notice about half-way through these questions that I turn the corner and go off on another path as fast as a luge rounding a bend. Hence the name: Random.

1. If you could compete in one Olympic event (not necessarily winter sports) what would it be?
2. Do remember a specific Olympic moment from the past?
3. Have you ever known anyone who competed in the Olympics?
4. If everyday activities were Olympic-worthy, which activity would you have a gold medal in?
5. Do you know anything about your ethnic heritage?
6. Do you enjoy sleeping late?
7. Have you ever performed CPR on anyone? Do you know how? (Yes, that's two, I know. Whatevs.)
8. Name one country you'd like to visit and explain why.
9. Have you ever fixed up a couple romantically?
10. What is the last book you read?
11. Do you enjoy sleeping late? NO, YOU write the question! How's that for random??
12. What is your favorite meal at your favorite restaurant?

OK: Read, ruminate, write and return tomorrow for the link up! Have a great Tuesday, everyone! You can't hear me, doggone it, but I'm singing the Olympic theme song at the top of my lungs: Daaah-Daah- Da-da, dah dah-duh ...."

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