Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fill Your Seder Plate Game

Here is a cute game that I found on the internet and I had to share.

Have you ever experienced a Passover Seder? For many, Seder meals are not a common part of their typical Holy Week traditions. To help children understand what was eaten during this meal, here is a game that reviews the traditional food of the Seder meal.

cajestl.org- Fill Your Seder Plate Board Game

Object of the Game: To collect the five objects that go on the Seder plate.

Materials Needed:
1 game board
1 “Fill The Seder Plate” paper per player
1 die
1 pawn per player
crayons or markers

To Play: Give each player one Seder plate paper. Each player selects a pawn and places it on any “START”. The first player rolls the die and moves clockwise the number of spaces indicated. If the player lands on an object and does not have that object, then the player colors that object on the player’s Seder plate paper. When a player has “filled their Seder plate”, he/she is the winner. (Optional: Players may move either clockwise or counter clockwise to make it easier to land on the object they need.)

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