Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Answers

The first 6 come from Kelley at I Didn’t Know That! Thanks so much, Kelley! And can you please help us out with #4???

1. Do you use the labels various charities send you as “free gifts?”

No, I don't. I would feel too guilty. And it concerns me that charities have to work this angle for support.

2. What is your favorite time of day (or night) for skywatching?

Mid-day. Of all the beautiful natural phenomena in this world, the sky is my favorite. Some like the ocean, or the desert or the mountains, but I love the sky. When I run, I actually spend quite a bit of time looking at the clouds and eternal expanse, and my heart just fills up and spills over with praise. That blue is just beyond description.

3. What is the most adventurous you've ever been with trying a new food? (Keep it G-rated please)

Not very. I have never even had sushi. Let's be real. I was born and bred in the corn belt. Which means corn = air. Everything else is kind of ... weird.

4. Have you ever heard a rock sing? (Trust me, there's a reason for this one!)

No, ma'am, I have not. And I now I know your reference. Very clever.

5. If you could learn a language you don't presently speak, what would it be?

French. I took three years in high school. Loved it since I was a little girl. I think Spanish would be more useful, but "Ou es le musee" rocks. ("Where is the museum?")

6. Al Capone's tombstone read, “My Jesus, Mercy.” If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say?

"You think you lost your mom
Well I saw her yesterday
It's you she's thinking of
And she told me what to say
She said she loves you
And you know that can't be bad
She said she loves you,
And you know you should be glad, Wooooo."

Yeah, I think that's the ticket. Might be kind of pricey on a tombstone, but it works for me.

7. If you were a famous musician who was known by one name, like “Cher,” “Sting,” or “Jewel,” what would it be? It doesn’t have to be your first name, but it can be, if you’d like.


8. Have you ever been inordinately “into” a television show?

Ha ha, Lid. Duh. LOST. That's the only one. Unless you count the Luke and Laura saga on General Hospital circa 1980. Now THAT was a story line!

9. When you sneeze, do you go big, or do you do that weird “heenh!” sound that makes people think you’re going to blow your brains out? Any other variation we should know about?

Go big or go home, Baby. When you have severe allergies, there is no holding back. You will blow your brains out. Funny historical fact: I dated a boy once who was a very large athlete. Wrestler, football player. When he sneezed, he had the most pitiful little girly "heenh" you've ever heard. And then his allergic girlfriend would cut loose with a gale force sneeze that left him with the most bewildered look on his face. That's how I roll.

10. Do you still read an actual newspaper that you hold in your hands, or do you get your news elsewhere?

I prefer to hold the newspaper in my hands, but I rarely buy one. When my column is in, I buy one and clip it for a scrapbook. Otherwise, I look on line or watch TV.

11. Are you a good speller?

The best. When I was in 4th grade, I beat out everyone in the school to win the bee. I also won in middle school. Then as an adult, one of my claims to fame is that everyone in my office uses me as a dictionary. HOWEVER, now that I have hit and passed the mid 40's my magic is slipping. For me to stop and think how to spell a word is like suddenly finding yourself walking backwards. Lately I've been feeling that out of whack with my spelling. But I passed the mantle to my eldest daughter. But oh, how I do love words.

12. At what time each day do you start thinking about Lost lunch?

Lunch, I start thinking about 11:00 or 11:30 because I usually have a protein bar at noon. If I forget, by noon the tummy is yelling, "HEY. A BAR. NOW!" And I obey. Lost keeps drifting in and out of my mind. Tuesday night was awesome!

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