Wednesday, February 10, 2010


But Late

UMass was closed today in anticipation of a snowstorm that never arrived until after the school day is usually pretty much over. Most of the local public schools were also closed, a major inconvenience for working parents who were no doubt none too happy that they had to make special arrangements for the kids to stay home on a day when it never actually snowed during school hours. If thoughts could kill, the head of Brian Lapis would probably have exploded.

But finally around three o'clock it started to snow like mad, the wind whipped snow sticking to the trees at Amherst College.

That's where I was, at the Robert Frost Library at Amherst College.

By the way, have you heard of the hot new website Amherst Secrets? It has anonymous entries by Amherst College students such as:

i have had sex with 13 men in the last two years and only one of them was actually decent at it. get your shit together guys.

What? The men of Amherst are legendary sex machines! In fact several of them posed nude for this famous mural in the Frost Library lounge area.

Do you want a closer look? Of course you do.

Oh well, here's hoping you have someone to keep you warm on this wintry night.

A Better Plan

Economist Jeffrey A. Miron didn't like President Obama's State of the Union Address. Therefore he came up with this short and sweet "Ten-Point Libertarian State of the Union Address."

Here it is, in its entirety:

1. Abandon Obamacare

2. Forget Cap and Trade

3. Reject the Card Check Bill

4. Withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan

5. Legalize Drugs

6. Scrap the tax code and replace with a flat tax

7. Expand free trade and immigration

8. Stop the bailouts

9. Cut spending

10. Cut spending

BONUS -- Cut spending

That is indeed a great list and the benefits to the country would be immediate and enormous. Our liberty would be tremendously expanded and the economy would come roaring back to life.

Today's Music Video

Henning Ohlenbush took this picture of Yes onstage at the Calvin in Northampton Monday night. Read his review of the concert here.

Meanwhile, the nearer your destination....

Greg Saulmon photo.

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