Monday, August 17, 2009


In the Summer

Everyone knows that the Orchard Hill section of UMass is where some hard partying dorms are located. What not everyone realizes is that there is an actual orchard on the hill.

What's weird is that there are raspberries of two different colors on one bush! Perhaps the result of UMass genetic experiments?

The orchard has a maze of paths you could almost get lost in.

Oh no! The first sign of autumn - fallen apples!

The orchard comes out by the Sylvan dormitory area, which is where I used to live when I was a UMass student.

I was in Cashin 403.

I used to walk this way each morning towards the academic buildings. I had high hopes in those days.

I still do.

I had lunch at the Blue Wall, where everyone was watching sports on TV.

Later, back in Northampton, it has been a delight to see posters for Mountain Park events appearing for the first time in over twenty years.

Once again our Valley has reason to say, "God bless Eric Suher." He's the entrepreneur who is reviving Mountain Park and who has saved a number of musical venues in Hamp over the years.

A Hamp poster to inspire not just Springfield, but the entire Valley.

Poems for free while you wait.

All you need.

'Stock Story

Captain Skypilot Ken Babbs the Intrepid Traveler tells a tale of Woodstock on his website:

A tremendous thunderstorm had just roared through, tearing the canvas top off the stage, covering the floor with six inches of water and shorting out all the electrical power: the lights, the musicians' amplifiers and the PA system.
I was onstage at the time, leaning on the organ, talking to Pigpen while the techs attempted to make sense out of chaos. Finally one microphone, in the middle of the stage, close to the edge, was working.

Pigpen, as he always did when the Dead were messing around, not yet ready to play, said, "Tell them a story, Babbs," knowing once they heard my voice booming out of the loudspeakers, they would immediately come forward and take over.

I told the audience how all of us, forty people and four buses, stopped at Yellowstone on the way out and bathed in the hot waters, just like the people of old, for it was a sacred place, where everyone came in peace, all beefs and differences put aside, and now, I said, Woodstock has emerged with the same spirit, and you can take that spirit of unity with you out into your daily lives.

To read the whole story click here.

Today's Video

May there be a charm in your shine.

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