Monday, August 10, 2009

Fish Flakes For You

I'm trying to think of another term for "random post," and I'm liking "fish flakes" because I think of the pieces of this post being loosed above the aquarium (by me) and floating gently down to the water (bloggy land) where they disperse and may be consumed by the fishies (you) if they wish.

I know. You AND the fish AND Arnold are all like "Whachoo talkin' 'bout, Lid?' Seriously, doesn't this fish seem to have that same expression?
Did you know yesterday was national Smores Day? Does that mean we can't celebrate today? I will tell you one thing for sure--do NOT try to toast coconut covered marshmallows on a campfire. The coconut is already toasted, so you just get "Cracklin' Charred Coconut Covered Mallows," which is not nearly as fun as that sounds.

Did you know that some people enjoy making their own marshmallows?

I don't get it. It's like trying to make your own Kleenex or jeans button ... Why? And they are usually square, which precludes shooting them from a marshmallow gun.

I'm taking this one back to school shopping today. Can't believe the baby is a high school junior now. She took the paper work to receive a parking pass for their lot. How is this possible?

This is her smile that says, "Enough with the camera, Mom." Precious. Just precious.

Here she is at 5 wearing a dress I wore when I was little and at 6 in kindergarten. Sigh.

I'm pretty sure she's never going to actually grow all the way up and go away to college and move out and stuff like that because all that is so overrated. I'm sure she just wants to stick by my side and be my little buddy for the rest of her life. Yeah, I'm sure of it.

And for the final fish flake, I need to report that I have finally, officially, received my first hate mail. I don't think it's exaggerating to say someone hates you if he comes right out and says, "I hate you." Yesterday I opened up my email to find a horrible, HORRIBLE message from someone letting me know in no uncertain terms that he/she hates me.

Yes, it was that bad and worse. And I totally cracked up. It was a response to my last column in the newspaper, which was about marriage, and if you read it you can see that there's hardly anything controversial in it at all, unless maybe you don't believe in going to the movies or watching The Bachelorette or something. Anyway, methinks the lady doth protest too much and must secretly love me. I can't really tell if it was written by a male or female. Anyway, I really do feel like a celebrity now. Thanks, Mr./Miss Hater. I could send you an autograph, if you'd like. :)

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