Thursday, August 20, 2009

Friday's Fave Five-A Book, A Movie, A Blouse, A Food, A Song(s)

Susanne at Living to Tell the Story continues her highly acclaimed and successful Broadway smash of a meme: Friday's Fave Fives! (Wild applause.)
Here is my list.

1. My Favorite Book This Week

As you probably know, I don't read much fiction. However, I did find a novel recently that I'm waaaay into, as in I'm falling asleep each night reading it and can't wait to pick it up again. It's called An Accomplished Woman by Jude Morgan, St. Martin's Press, 2007.

I like it because the characters are rich and the dialogue is true and the author slips in great witticisms and observations through the characters' thoughts and dialogue. Here's an example of a passage that I stopped and re-read three times.

The passage describes the way the protagonist, Lydia, feels about her mother and then her father:

"Loving her and admiring her, still Lydia had always looked to her father as one looks instinctively at the clock; that must be right. That will tell me where I am."

2. My Favorite Movie This Week:

"Every Girl Should Be Married," 1948, Cary Grant and Betsy Drake. I didn't know until after the movie that Grant and Drake were married for about 10 years.

These classic movies entertain me on several different levels. One of the weirdest ways they engross me is the difference in standard pronunciations from then and now. I don't know what accent it was that they were all using, but it seems like all Hollywood female stars pronounced "girl" "gull."

"Yes, she's a lovely gull, isn't she?"

3. My Favorite Purchase This Week:

A blouse from Maurice's, which is similar to this:

4. My Favorite Food This Week:

It's a repeat, but I LOVES it ...

Pure Protein Peanut Butter Bars. Twenty (20!) grams of protein. It's like a chocolate bar that is good for me. I have about three BOXES of this bar in my cabinet right now. It's a great mid-afternoon chocolate craving snack.

5. The Song That Has Stuck in My Head All Week:

It's a tie:

A. Carrie Ann by the Hollies


Candy girl (sugar, sugar) - Archies

So I hope that leaves on a happy note to start the weekend. Thanks, Susanne!

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