Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Journey Two???

Months ago, on impulse, I signed up for something more treacherous than a BOM -- it is a project of the month -- a POM, as it were.  It is called the "Prairie Women's Sewing Circle -- Journey Two."  I don't know where I was when these women made their initial journey, and I don't know if journey two is reversing their steps and heading back where they came from or whether they are pressing on (pun intended) for even greener pastures.  Doesn't really matter.

All too soon the monthly packages began accumulating -- they are from the Fat Quarter Shop, and as always, the fabrics are gorgeous and ample, and the directions seem to be clear.  I don't know for sure.  Because I'm not too far along.  Yet.

I decided to begin with this project, "Remember Me," which can be used as a signature quilt.  I chose this one to start with because one of my goals for this summer is to attempt freezer paper applique and the instructions for how to do it are detailed and have tiny drawings.

Piecing the block centers was fun and all too soon it was time to attempt the dreaded "A" word.  I put it off as long as I could, but now that Hospice Man is completed, I need something for in-front-of-the-TV handwork.

Today I borrowed a paintbrush from the camp at school and dabbed spray starch around the quarter-inch margin and then pressed.  One burnt thumb later, two are pinned in place and eight more are ready to have their paper removed and then be pinned.

We'll see how it goes with the hand-stitching.  I'm going to try to prep ten more tomorrow and the final ten on Thursday.

I did mention, didn't I, that this is a series thing?  These are the other projects that have come or will come and are still in their bags downstairs.

And me, the one who has "no use for little tiny quilts" is on schedule to have plenty of them.

Fortunately, Caroline has dollies and Sam has bears that need to be covered up.

'Nough said for now.  Gotta go ice the thumb.

Stay tuned.

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