Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beatin' the Heat Near Philadelphia

Trying to keep some semblance of cool has consumed the energy of a lot of Near Philadelphians, and it doesn't look like a whole lot of relief is in the forecast.  My sewing studio isn't air-conditioned; it is on the lower level of the house, though, and tends to be cooler than the rest of the home.  I have a nice big floor fan that helps.  But these past few days, it just hasn't been very inviting.

Yesterday I had a double treat of a day:  (a) spending  it with a dozen other quilters and (b) doing that in a spacious, air-conditioned church hall!  I stayed from 8 until 1:30 and got nine of my Schnibbles units finished.  Will do a total review of the Schnibble experience when it is complete.  You can see my blocks here along with my bowties.  I don't believe I'll be sewing downstairs again for a few days; I tend to get a little sick with extreme heat and feel fortunate that I've been okay for the past week.  It was just this morning that that queasy feeling started, so I'll be staying pretty much on the main level of the house, which has a pair of window units, three ceiling fans, and strategically placed floor fans, all working overtime.  I continue to applique the circles for those prairie women and bind Argyle, Anyone? when I sit with Joe in front of the Tour de France or whatever Netflix is playing.

Last evening our neighbors came over for dinner and I had a good time making a refreshing meal for them.  I didn't tell them until the very end of the evening that the sangria, the appetizers, the salad, and the dessert were all Weight Watcher recipes.

The sangria was very light, and I think not a lot like traditional sangria.  But it was delicious and easy to make, so I'll tell you how:  To 1 cup dry red wine, add 3 cups low-calorie cranberry cocktail, 3 cups of cut up fruit (I used strawberries and pineapple) and 1/8 tsp cinnamon.  Let it chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving.

I was suspicious of the cinnamon, but it made all the difference.  The photo isn't mine, but came from the internet.  I didn't think of taking a picture last evening because I was too focused on making and serving my skewered cantaloupe, mint and prosciutto and also grape tomatoes with basil and mini-mozzarella balls.  Of which there are one of each left over -- and it is nearly time for lunch!

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