Thursday, April 29, 2010

Flashback Friday ~ The Prom

Linda is in the swing of spring over at Mocha with Linda's Flashback Friday meme. Here's the prompt:

Share your prom memories. Did your school have a junior prom or just a senior prom? What did you wear? Was there a party after the prom? Did you go with a date or with friends, and if it was a date, was it a one-time date or a boyfriend/girlfriend scenario? Did you go to more than one prom (like, being someone's date at another school or year.) Where was your senior prom held? Any particular songs come to mind when you think of prom? As always, pictures are great!

I brought a bunch of pics home from my mom's yesterday afternoon on a whim, came home, read the prompt and realized I have no prom pics in the bunch, so I had to scan one from the yearbook. But here's what I remember:

Sophomore year: Bought my first dress from a bridal store. I felt so grown up. Went to prom with Hatrick the boyfriend, who was a senior. I wore a buttery yellow dress with spaghetti straps. Do you see what was wrong with that choice for me? I'll tell you.

1. Yellow on someone with the coloring roughly the equivalent of buttermilk.
2. Spaghetti straps on someone built like an ironing board.

All night long, I stepped on the hem of my dress and yanked it up at the chest to keep from showing no chest at all. Ugh. Plus, he wanted to dance the entire night, and I hated dancing. He danced quite a bit with other people. I just wanted to go home. We both had acne. Not a good picture, so I'm glad I don't have it here to show you. Lucked out. The theme song was "I Like Dreamin'," but I just wanted to wake up from the nightmare. Seriously.

Junior year: Different boyfriend. White eyelet-like dress with ribbon spaghetti straps. Well, at least this dress fit better, but it was still a shade of white: White. What was wrong with me?? He wore a powder blue tux. Oh yes he did. I believe the song for the night was "Always and Forever."

In my junior year, I was a prom princess, on the court with other juniors, and a senior was the queen. I'm on the far right with my eyes half-closed, looking drunk, but I was not, I assure you. The beautiful girl to my left was my best friend, Kris, who was elected homecoming queen the next year.

Senior year: Same boyfriend. I went all crazy and chose a CREAM colored dress with tons of pleats in it. He wore a burgundy tux with cream shirt. Theme song: "Grand Illusion." That I chose that color of dress shows I had a "grand delusion" that my pale skin would actually look distinct from the dress itself.

End of story. But I did wear a black shirt with a silver metallic thread running through it afterward to go bowling in, which I thought was way cool.

Next weekend, my youngest daughter will be going to her high school prom. You can bet there will be pictures here!

Please go on over to Linda's and link up today; it's way more fun than dancing on your dress all night long and worrying about your frizzy hair and acne, I promise!

Wow. That is the lamest prom story ever. Just be glad you only read about it and didn't live it.

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