Thursday, October 21, 2010

Would You Like to Ride to Work With Me? I Didn't Think So

This morning, I noticed my eyebrows needed tweaking, but I was in a hurry, running late.

Those two situations are not compatible.

Unwisely, I used a little battery operated trimmer and mowed through my brow. (Of course!)

Yelling at yourself in the mirror does not bring back an eyebrow.

I decided to forego makeup until later, so I grabbed all of my stuff and headed toward McDonald's, which had two lines going, lines not long enough to make me late, but long enough for me to finish my face.

I inched my way through the line, adding blush, lipstick, concealer ...

I gave my order and proceeded to the point where the two lines combine, only to notice a woman in the other line inching her way toward the junction.

Clearly, it was "on," to see who would get to the merge point first. The song "Louie, Louie" was on the radio, which inspired me to "go":

Louie Louie, oh no, me gotta go, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, baby.
Louie Louie, oh baby, me gotta go
I said we gotta go now
Let's step on out of here
Let's go!

The racing blood that lurks somewhere within me as it does my actual racing brothers won this contest, even though I had only one eye lined with brown liner and half an eyebrow on that same eye and the top of my hair pinned up on my head in a hump. I felt like Courtney Love looks in this, my favorite picture of her:

Sometimes victory is not pretty. But it's the win that counts. Sweet victory!

Oh, I SO won.

But I noticed as I drove away that my sack and coffee cup were damp.

I pulled into my parking spot, got out, noticed there was liquid dripping down the driver's side door. *shrug*

I got to my desk, put down my food, checked my messages, etc., and saw out of the corner of my eye coffee seeping out from the bottom of my giant cup, running all over and down my desk.

I don't believe in Karma, but if I did ....

So even though it's just a typical Thursday morning, that's how I got myself to work.

Wanna ride tomorrow?

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