Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Current Favorite Song And Random Dozen Feedback

Random Dozen Feedback:

I'm spending my blogging time today catching up with the last 25 of you. I'm enjoying this meme immensely, but it's wearing me out!

Here are some observations I've noted while reading:

The English teacher is by far the most influential/favorite.

You guys are so funny about how to tell when you're getting older. I should compile these and start a stand-up routine.

But most of you show your age by replying that you do not text, or if you do, it takes you a week to send a message, and even then it's not guaranteed to get where it needs to be. Funny!

Yellow appears to be the most-cited favorite color.

Most of you do celebrate Halloween, with the reservation of no evil stuff.

You all want to be a "suburban mouse," even though that wasn't an option.

Apparently, you are all the life of the party. Can you imagine if I got you all in one room? Party central!

The naming of the star thing is similar, I think, to adopting a highway. Your money goes toward funding (probably sending Koalas into space or something like that) but you get the "romance" of the notion. You either get this, or you don't, it would seem.

So have a great weekend--if I haven't been around to see you, I'm on my way!

Favorite current song:

If you have not heard "Say Hey, I Love You," then it is time. WARNING: It will stick. All day.

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