Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday Morning, Running Tales

Good morning. Enjoying my first and second cup of coffee in my jammies on my little deck, contemplating what's on my list for this gorgeous Saturday. The birds are singing what seems like dozens of different songs. Finally, we have a dry weekend.

I'll probably check on Facebook friends, make a grocery list, take a morning run, go the store, and strip a wallpaper border in my master bath. It is time. I think the bath has been the same for 10 years.

Sorry I've been extra sluggish on here lately. You who commented yesterday are right in reminding me that grief comes in waves. I can feel happy or even silly in one moment and then come down just as fast.

I have spoken openly here before about battling depression 13 years ago, and it has crossed my mind that some of that might be creeping back in, but I think what I'm feeling is just normal.

It is normal to feel down once in a while. But when you write a blog mainly filled with quirkiness, you kind of feel like a square peg in a round hole on your own blog when you're Debbie Downer.

BUT, life is still goofin' on me. I have two prime examples to share.

1. It is not uncommon for me to come across road kill on my runs. But yesterday's was weird. Sadly weird. Comically weird. Two squirrels, entangled in what appeared to be a Romeo/Juliet embrace, we smashed together for eternity on a road in my neighborhood. Who knows what that forbidden love story was all about, but it sure looked like a suicide pact.

2. While rounding a corner I was stopped at so that traffic could clear, a young man slowed his pickup truck as he rounded the bend to flirt with me: the classic "Woo-hoo." Clever. Anyway, he had a giant afro, and through this afro was a small twig off a bush or tree with all the leaves still on it. The twig was pushed through one side of the afro and came out on the other side, a la Steve Martin's arrow in the 70s. It was the funniest thing I'd seen in a long time.


So you see, random stuff is still happenin' here in the old brain and in my world. It's all good. Speaking of random, I'll catch you back here tomorrow for your prompt. Have a nice Monday!

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