Friday, May 21, 2010

Best Plane Crash Scene Ever, and How I Got LOST in a TV Show & Now I'm Having a Party!

*EDIT* You can catch the two very first episodes originally broadcast in September 2004 on ABC tonight at 8:00.

As you watch this 2 minute clip, keep these ideas in mind:

10. Best plane crash scene. Ever. Watch the debris come into the beach and be mesmerized.

9. The bald man who pulls himself up in the wreckage should not be able to do that. He is paralyzed. But not, it would turn out, on the island.

8. The juxtaposition of "Make Your Own Kind of Music" and other such peppy songs in the midst of horror and gripping fear reflect the incongruous emotions of the characters and eventually the viewers.

7. Some characters in this clip are blood relatives but do not know it yet.

6. The man at the computer is compelled to hit buttons at exactly every 108 minutes or something terrible will happen. He does not know exactly why he is driven to this kind of existence, but he is ... for a while.

5. Many of the main characters have had issues with their biological fathers. Because of that, some are criminals, some are addicts, some have savior complexes.

4. Self-sacrifice; evil vs. good; destiny vs free will; forgiveness; ends justifying the means; faith vs. science; blindly following a charismatic leader; damaged familial relationships; trust; living in community ... all themes in the series.

3. Symbolism galore, from the names of characters, from "Dr. Jack Shepard" (who steps forward in season one as the "shepherd" and "healer" of the survivors); John Locke (philosopher); Aaron, Jacob, Benjamin, Christian, Naomi (biblical names); a young girl named "Charlotte Staples Lewis" to symbols of ancient Egypt and the Garden of Eden, black & white, etc.

2. Critically acclaimed well-written plots and sub-plots.

1. The most riveting cliff-hangers ever produced and the most engaging characters ever created. A friend put it like this: "It's like watching a book. The characters are so rich and compelling, and the plot is so multi-layered. It's not like a TV show."

It has been a fun ride, and I hate to see this one end. My all-time favorite series, ever! Saturday night there is a 2-hour re-cap of the series with pop-up notes connecting those episodes with the last ones, and then on Sunday, a big extravaganza stretching from 7pm to 1am. And guess what? I'm having a LOST party Sunday night!

You can be sure I'll post pics!

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