Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Linkin' Around the Christmas Tree?

1. Which physical trait do you now accept--maybe not love, but accept--and no longer feel extremely self-conscious about?

2. This week Meredith Baxter Birney, best known as the mom on the favorite 80s sitcom "Family Ties" came out of the closet, which led me to formulate this question: Who do you think is/was the best TV mom?

3. Do you speak any foreign languages? Are there any you'd like to learn?

4. Who is your personal hero?

5. What is one holiday food that you find extremely difficult to resist over- indulging in?

6. Tell me about a Christmas decoration that has special meaning or sentimental value.

7. How do you feel about snow?

8. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each night? Not that I'm jealous of any number over three or anything.

9. Tell me about your first crush.

10. You're stuck in a room for 2 hours with only a chalkboard and chalk. What will you write/draw?

11. Do you dress for the current temp or for the day's forecast?

12. Favorite Christmas movie is?

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