Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Quirky" Junk Item...

Okay, here's the deal. I saw this item in an antique store and thought it was sorta neat. My first thought was, "what a neat looking serving utensil"...sorta fancy-dancy, you know? I love anything silver and that's what caught my eye to begin with. Well, guess what? I turned the tag over and it said, "silver antique dust pan"....HUH? I think it's too high-end looking to be a dustpan, don't you? Could it have been used in some rich person's house by their maid? It was only $2, so figured I could come up with some idea to do with it other than use as a dustpan (especially since I own a Swiffer sweeper!) Ha!

Here's an idea of the size of it...not very big.

So, tell me, blogging friends, am I just a dork and the only person who didn't know this was a dustpan...?
For now, I'll just use it to serve up a picture of my boys. Maybe this summer I'll sanitize it and use it to hold cheese cubes at my next party...with a side of dust of up later, of course.

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