Friday, March 27, 2009

Doctor's Prescription

Read This Book.

Our years of living beyond our means, of buying everything on credit and on money printed out of thin air, are over. Sure, our government will carry on with its nonsensical policy of curing indebtedness with more indebtedness, inflation with more inflation, but the game is up. It's not going to work. The resources aren't there. The more we intervene and the more we prop up economic zombies, the worse off we'll be. But the sooner we understand what has happened, assess our economic situation honestly, and rebuild our economy on a sound foundation, the sooner our fortunes will be restored.

Ideas still matter, and sound economic education has rarely been as urgently necessary as it is today. There is no better book to read on the present crisis than this one, and that is why I am delighted to endorse it.


U.S. Representative Dr. Ron Paul

At Last

Over the years I've been asked by people whether there is any other area besides politics where I feel the local media coverage is inadequate. I always reply that I think someone should start a hyper-local sports publication whose specialty would be to cover indepth the Valley sports activities that usually don't rate mainstream coverage. In fact the first time I suggested that was on the Dan Yorke Show in 1997. Yet no one ever followed my suggestion, and myself I never had any interest in starting such a thing, so I just shrugged it off as one of the many good ideas I give away for free that everyone ignores.

Until now. I had absolutely nothing to do with these wise Springfield entrepreneurs stepping into this wide open media niche, but I'm glad to finally see Western Mass Sports Journal on the free paper stands these days, where its arrival is long overdue.

I predict it will be a success.

Sweet Sunshine

It was so nice today that a lot of people at the community lunch at the Amherst Survival Center ate outdoors, like Abby, Noel and Rhythom.

Today's Video

Somebody emailed me complaining that I play all this Northampton music yet ignore the Sonic Youth. Actually Sonic Youth is a transplanted to Hamp band, but we'll claim them with pride any day. That said, I'm not a huge fan, as I like a little more structure and melody than they're interested in. But I do appreciate the coolness of the weird thing they're trying to achieve.

This is a clip from 2002 at Hamp's Calvin Theater. The t-shirt at the beginning is a reference to a local controversy where Max Karson, a student at Amherst Regional High School, was expelled for writing about a sex scandal at the school. The Denver News reports:

An Amherst, Massachusetts, native, Karson started writing horror stories as a youngster, and his tradition of provocative prose continued at Amherst Regional High School, where he created and personally distributed a newsletter he called The Crux. The publication, whose entire run can be accessed online here, hit its stride with a salvo inspired by the January 2002 resignation of principal Stephen Myers, who was alleged to have made sexually provocative comments to a male student.... Karson's take on the incident was predictably off-kilter. "My response to Mr. Myers' controversial hobby of molesting children?" he asked in print. "I'm going to break up with him, and had I known he was a child molester, I never would have gone out with him in the first place."

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