Tuesday, May 24, 2011

You can't be too careful with Negroes. Even Negroes in wheelchairs resist arrest.

Hey, do you all remember the movie Training Day? Remember that scene where Snoop plays a wheelchair bound drug dealer and Ethan Hawke's character, the rookie detective, chases his ass down and checks him?

Apparently the D.C. Metro police saw it as well. They just don't trust you Negroes in wheelchairs. It could all be a hoax. Just another trick you Negroes like to play on the government to get a free SSI check.

Sadly, this poor dude was apparently homeless, and he really did need the wheelchair.

(Sorry dude, the president won't get involved. Maybe if you lectured at Haaavaad.)

But hey, I bet some folks will say that he deserved it. That he was resisting arrest. You know how some folks are.

Seriously. Couldn't they have just cuffed his ass to the chair and called it a day? Why did they have to yank him out and bloody him?

The po po in D.C. sure could use a refresher course on how to treat people with disabilities.

Anyway, watch the video and tell me what you think:

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