Sunday, May 15, 2011

Goodbye Huck!


Oh my, these are indeed tough times for my friends in the GOP. Who is going to be left to run against O when the dust clears?

Mike Huckabee- may god bless his god fearing soul- has decided that he does not have the stomach for a presidential run and is begging out. He says that being president would take him to the "limit of his human capacity." Somehow that doesn't seem right coming from a man who professes to be so close to the big guy. I suspect that the love of the almighty dollar, or a lack of enough of it (a billion and counting) is what's keeping ole Mike off the campaign trail.

It has gotten so bad that former first lady Laura Bush has found herself on the recruiting trail. (Calling Governor Krispy Kreme.)She has called the wife of Mitch Daniels in a desperate pitch to get her husband in the race. Just call Mitch Daniels the Bush candidate. Good luck with that, Mitch.

Anyway, so now we know that Newt is in, and so is Ron. Mitt is in, but he might have some "splaining" to do to his base. I know he tried, but I suspect that it wasn't good enough. Mitt pushed for (and got)health care reform in his home state. And now the wingnuts are crying anybody but Mitt. If the poor guy could only get out of his own party's primary he might have a shot.

Finally, a warning to the wingnuts who do not want to raise the U.S. debt ceiling:

“The full consequences of a default – or even the serious prospect of default – by the United States are impossible to predict and awesome to contemplate. Denigration of the full faith and credit of the United States would have substantial effects on the domestic financial markets and the value of the dollar.”

The author of that quote is none other than Ronald Reagan. [Source]

I guess that changes things a little.

*Pic courtesy of

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