Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Kickin' Monday Morning To You, Brought To You by Benadryl

Good morning. Or good whatever hour you're here. What's up.

Look at these chips. Have you had them? I'm not a ketchup fan. I don't eat my fries w/ or put it on sandwiches, but when I served as Snack Queen at SERVE this year, I put these chips out amongst 400 other bags of various flavors, and these things flew out of the bag and into the tummies of the kids like they had wings. So I tasted them and loved them, which, since I don't like ketchup, made it a "whaddya know" moment. So now I'm searching for them to share Tuesday night when the kids come back to the house for the Crazy Love study. Just wondered if you've tried them. I've heard they're really popular in Canada. ? Seriously, that's what I heard. Canadians, what say you?

By the way, this is what's known as a "kickin'" Monday morning post, I believe, because it's so exciting.

Over the weekend I once again blew up like Mrs. Puff on Sponge Bob. Contact dermatitis causes my eyelids to swell, and I itch with an itch so deep I wish I could scratch my optic nerve. So I've been on massive amounts of Benadryl for 72 hours, which might explain this high-energy kickin' post. I have resorted to putting Preparation H on my eyelids, which I don't recommend unless you have this condition or are stung by a jellyfish on your eyelids or someone has lit your eyelids on fire.

Also, Saturday morning when I first woke up, as I headed out the bedroom door as quietly as I could so that I would not wake the Jorge, I fell and slammed into Zoe's big old wire cage and scratched my back, thereby totally waking Jorge with a flourish. I shall blame this mishap on Benadryl, as well.

Later on Saturday, we crammed all five us into the new CRV and went to The Runner's Forum in Indy to have Kristin properly fitted for cross country shoes. She ended up with the Brooks Defyance. I guess that's the cool Beyonce way to spell Defiance.

Somehow, Jorge was coerced into buying everyone lunch AND Cold Stone Creamery dessert within a two hour period. So you can imagine, then, that the two hour time-slot cost us a lot of dough. Good shoes = $ + Teenagers eating out = $. In a new car = $$. I think Jorge was numb and on auto-pilot after this credit card experience. For Jorge, spending a lot of money is the organic Benadryl.

Zoe had a trying weekend because of being sore from her shots. Saturday morning she acted paralyzed but wasn't. I tried to put a warm, wet cloth on her as per Vet's advice, but she was not having any part of that. I was able to give her 1/4 of a little pink baby Aspirin. We could not pick her up at all over the weekend without her yelping, which made us feel terrible. So she wanted up on the sofa, and we got her there, but when it came time to jump down, she could not do it and looked panicked, so I built her a ramp of 5 throw pillows to climb down. She looked like a spoiled princess stepping down from the throne. And you know she is not spoiled.

Bridal Shower on Sunday:

This is my friend, Diane, whom I have written about before, and her daughter, Ann, who is to be married August 1. Diane is still battling cancer, and by battling, I do mean fighting the fight of her life. They are such lovely girls, Diane and her Ann.

Here is the beautiful bride-to-be with her gifts.

Here is an interesting centerpiece I thought I'd share with you, but the pic is terrible. There are small bowls of goldfish between glass platters holding the sweets.

Here's a close-up.

This pic cracks me up because Ann is telling her mom that they cannot move into their apartment until August 10. Apparently, Mom thought it would be earlier than that. Surprise, Mom!

This is Ann opening our gift, cannisters. We are so happy for you, Ann!

What did you do this weekend? I hope you did not fall down nor have your eyes swell up nor spend too much money, as I did. Ever had ketchup potato chips? Ever write a random post?

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