Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I'm Feelin' Lucky, But Just In Case I'm Not, You've Got My Back

You'll remember one of the most significant loves of my life, this car, which I recently parted with and am still grinding my teeth over have come to terms with concerning my loss.

I mean, I'll be doing all right in my CRV, but then a teal Camaro will round the corner, and I morph into the Tommy Lee of Momdom, really desiring that Pamela Anderson of a car in a totally brainless way.

It's not that I don't appreciate the new car--heaven's sakes, I never thought I'd own something this nice. But I've been explaining to people that what I'm feeling is like the difference between living with with your beloved husband/wife (Camaro) and your lifelong best friend (CRV). The passion is just not there.

When I walk outside to get into the CRV, I want to say, "Hi. What's up? Wow, you're nice."

However, when I got into my Camaro, it was like, "Vroom, Baby. Where we goin?!"


All hope is not lost. In buying "drug pop" for the Crazy Love book study teenagers, I noticed this on the 2 liter of Dr. Pepper:

Twenty-three they're giving away. And one has "Lidna" emblazoned upon it, I just know it.

Normally I don't like to buy drug pop for kids, but something told me when I saw this ad, "Don't be so overwrought about a little caffeine. What doesn't kill the teenagers will only make them stronger. And make you happier if per chance you win the Camaro." So I bought Dr. Pepper.

I am so good at youth ministry.

So I entered my code today, and alas, I did not win. I'm not giving up, though, because I think I'm meant to have a Camaro, and right now, being without one is like when Tommy Lee and Pamela break up, but you know it's only for a while because love like that brings you back together no matter how many times you trade-up.

In the meantime, if you would like, you, too, could purchase a DP and enter a code for me because I know you want to see me in brainless love again, don't you?

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