Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Weekly Event in Which I Chat with Myself

1. When was the last time you craved a food--what was it, and did you cave?

Chocolate. The last 72 hours have been full-on craving. Yes, I caved. I've even been eating chocolate chips straight from the bag. Semi-sweet, not my fave, but it is brown and cocoa-ish.

2. M & M's or Skittles?

Can you tell what was on my mind when I wrote this meme? M&Ms, definitely, preferably peanut.

3. Have you ever read the Bible completely through?

Yes. I did it in 2008, and I've started again for 2010. I do the Online Bible version in which you read a little from the OT, NT, Psalms and Proverbs. I must say that the challenge was a double-edged sword for me. It tested my faith but also grew my faith.

4. How long does it take you to really wake up in the morning?

Usually not very long, but a cup of coffee is a must, even if it's decaf. There's just something about a warm cup with cream that soothes me into snapping to mentally. Give me the real stuff and I become a combination of Stacy London, Kathy Lee Gifford and Bea Arthur as Maude.

5. Have you ever been on a cruise? If not, would you like to?

No, and No. Never sounded appealing to me. Weird, I know.

6. Who is your favorite actress?

Tough one. I used to like Sandra Bullock a lot but not so much any more. I like Emma Thompson a lot.

7. ______ is something that I will just never understand.

Math, football, mean people, bluegrass music, saggy pants, hunting, eating sushi, Bermuda shorts, rings on every finger. Need any more?

8. How much of a technology junkie are you?

Scale of 1-10? Why didn't you give us a standard? I'm about a 4 or 5. There's this great new thing called the "Ipod" ....

9. Do you enjoy selecting greeting cards for people, or is it more of a cultural "have to" for you?

I'm beginning to like it again. For about 10 years it has been nothing but a chore.

10. When was the last time you got a new style/haircut?

I got a haircut about 4 days ago. However, the style you see in the header above is not new; it is basically what I wore in high school, circa 1980.

11. What do you enjoy shopping for most?

Tops. Shoes. Handbags.

12. What's the last thing you think of before you leave the house?

Is this oven off? Lights out? Dog taken care of? (She stands there looking at me with her head cocked as I say, "OK, bye-bye now. You be a good girl." Oh, it breaks my heart!)

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