Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Link UP for the Random and I Answer the Mr. Linky Question

Many of you ask, "Why doesn't the link list automatically show?" I believe the answer is that a while back, Mr. Linky changed the widget so that unless you purchase a better widget at another level, this is all you get. I could be wrong. I don't really care as long as when you click on it to add your name, you see the names. Does that make sense? Am I wrong on this?

OK--my answers and most importantly, YOURS!

1. So I was thinking about how Jon Bon Jovi never seems to age much. His hair is smaller nowadays, but he still manages to look like a boy somehow. I mean, look at him in this pic with a finger in his ear. Young! And then that made me think of the story of Dorian Gray. Question: If you physically lock in one age for yourself, which would you choose and why?

Speaking strictly physically, I would pick about 34. I was working out religiously, and it showed. However, emotionally I was not in a good place, and I would never want to return there again. (Depression)

2. What is the best dish that you cook or bake (your piece de resistance?)

It's something you don't cook OR bake: No bake cookies. But strictly speaking again, I would say I make really good whipped potatoes and homemade carrot cake. I think we tend to excel at those dishes we like. For instance, I cannot cook meat very well. (Ugh.)

3. When you feel blue, what is one strategy you use to help yourself back to normal?

I begin listing all of the things I'm grateful for. I pray for people who are in a more difficult position than I. I exercise, and if possible, get out into the sun. Plus, the smell of coconut lifts me. Consuming chocolate also helps immensely, but it doesn't help the old waistline.

4. When was the last time you danced in public?

Oh, this is such an issue with me. I NEVER do this. I have a long history of avoiding dances, especially in high school. And just my luck, the one boy I really liked loved to go to dances. I started dreading them months away.

When I was on the homecoming court in my senior year, we had to sign a paper saying that we would promise to attend the dance after the game if we were on the court. I almost didn't sign! I did not dance at my wedding. I dance at home a little, mainly when my kids were little and we were in the kitchen baking cookies and dancing to the oldies.

5. Do you consider yourself a realist or dreamer?

Definitely a realist, to a fault. For example, when new small businesses start up, I do a little cringe for them because I KNOW it's so hard to make it work, and my fears for them are usually realized.

6. As a parent, what is one thing that you have done well?

My youngest told me yesterday that she is glad we did not let our kids speak unkindly to each other. They laugh now because we would not let them say "shut up" to each other, for instance, but it turned out well because all in all, they're very kind to each other.

7. Which is your favorite character on the Andy Griffith show?

This is so easy: Opie. I LOVE that little boy. He's the only little boy I love nearly as much as my own son. Little Ronnie Howard just makes me melt into a puddle every time I watch him. I wish I could adopt him. The little Ronnie Howard, not the middle aged director Ron Howard.

8. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you know about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

About a 2. No, let's be honest: 1. But I'd like to improve that score.

9. Have you never been mellow? Have you never tried … to find a comfort from in side you? (Sorry, Jorge was singing that song just now, and it just seemed to be perfect timing as I was creating this week’s questions.) REAL question: What is your #1 driving pet peeve?

People who cop attitudes over the dumbest stuff, like who arrived at a four-way stop first. Puh-leeze.

10. Which color best represents your mood today? Care to elaborate?

Purple. It's the color I have on. I tend to choose colors by how I feel that day.

11. If your spouse were an animal, which would he/she be?

Well, he's been sleeping a lot tonight and now he's reading. What kind of animal does those activities?? He's pretty smart, so I'll say an ape.

12. What activity takes up the bulk of your time on an average day?

At work, mailings and meetings. At home, Facebook and blogging, laundry, sweeping and cooking. I actually prefer my work outside the home now to my home work. For so many years I thought of myself as a SAHM, but now, I think of myself more as a working outside the home mom.

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