Sunday, January 17, 2010

So Much to Say, and Yet, So Very Little

Deep inhalation, deep exhalation.

So how ya doin'?

Because I'm assuming you're a polite bunch of people and would, if you could, ask the requisite question in return and then sit there politely while I answer, even though it's really boring, I'll tell you how I'm doing.

1. I'm like you; I am distraught over Haiti. I'm seriously thinking about seeing if I can adopt or foster an orphan. Probably won't happen unless there's an obviously open door, but I'm open to being open and looking around.

And now as a direct result of saying that, I'm going to get the most comments I've ever received on this blog just with people telling me where to find a Haitian orphan TOMORROW. And then I will have to, won't I?

2. I'm dragging behind on this blog stuff. I gotta be honest with ya, not much is happenin' at the Crows' nest. We're boring. I exercise, go to work, come home, ruin a dinner, do a little laundry, write a post and play on Facebook, then go to sleep. The hugeness of my existence right now is just overwhelming, isn't it.

3. Weight. I am FOUR pounds away from a personal goal weight. Four. Fore. 4. Quatre. Four, that's all. And yet ... I can't do it. I've been eating chocolate chips from the bag, which is not great, since they're semi-sweet, but they're brown and kind of cocoa-ish, so I do it. And then last night on FB, someone requested my No-Bake recipe, and it was like asking a junkie about his drug of choice. Good thing I didn't have all the ingredients in my kitchen that I needed to make them because it would have been all over, with the Fat Lady singing a merry tune and then pulling her hair out the next morning.

4. Zoe. She needs a bath. However, I have recently discovered that when I give her the bath, I wheeze afterwards, and it's quite--not fun. You would think this revelation would mean that many family members of mine would rush in to save the day and be my hero and be Zoe's personal assistant, but no. So I repeat: Zoe needs a bath.

5. I picked up 5 hours at work per week. Woo-hoo, I know, but you'd think I just got promoted to CEO of Macy's or something. I'm having a hard time adjusting, believe it or not. I'm very happy about it, for sure, but now I have to ruin dinner even later each evening.

6. I played the Bearded Lady again at Oneighty last night for "Carnival Night." The kids (the ones who didn't die of Clown-Fright Syndrome) had their pics taken with me as a souvenir of the good times at "church." Come to think of it, there were a few sweet old ladies in the church I grew up in who sort of had beards, so maybe it's a spiritual thing after all.

So how was your weekend?

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