Saturday, December 18, 2010

A to Z Bible Story Lesson- Letter Q

Q- Quail

Objectives: The children will be able to
- retell the story Moses in the Desert
- identify what God fed the Israelites on the desert
- discuss that God gives us what we need

Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson

Vocabulary Words:

Quail Word Wall- Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.


Circle Time:

Read story: “Moses in the Desert” from your own story book. Or while you are reading the story do cut outs (Snip-And-Tell Bible Stories by Karyn Henley, page ) as the story unfolds.

Then ask questions from below.

Who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt? Moses

Why did the people become unhappy? They had been walking in the desert for many days and they were hungry.

What should the Israelites done instead of grumbling? They should have remembered the great things God had done to free them from slavery.

What did God give the Israelites to eat? Manna, bread from heaven and quail.

How long were the people out in the desert? 40 years.

What do you need? Do you have food, clothing, shelter, and safety? God has seen that your needs are taken care of through people in your life. Who helps take care of your needs? Your parents, teachers and friends.

Songs and/or Finger Plays:

Introduce songs and/or finger plays: What did God give the Israelites to eat? Manna, bread from heaven and quail.

Sing a song to the tune of “BINGO.”

There was a food that God did give
And manna was its name O
M-A-N-N-A, M-A-N-N-A, M-A-N-N-A
And manna was its name O.

There was a food that God did give
And quail was its name O
Q-U-A-I-L, Q-U-A-I-L, Q-U-A-I-L
And quail was its name O.


Introduce activity: Who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt? Moses God Sends Quail and Manna lesson

Bible Stories from A to Z by Mary Murray- Quail From Heaven Bible lesson page 89


Introduce craft: What did God give the Israelites to eat? Manna, bread from heaven and quail.

Paper Bag Quail- (scroll down to this craft that is near the bottom)

Body Patterns

Bible Stories from A to Z by Mary Murray- Quail Everywhere page 90 Neat Q is for Quail craft posted


Introduce game: Did the people listen and do what Moses said? Do you think that is easy? Can you do that?

Moses Says

Need: Nothing

Directions: Played just like Simon Says. Moses says, “Hop on one foot.” Etc.

Introduce game: So you think you are good at following directions? Let’s find out.

Following Directions

Need: Bop It, Ballzerko, Simon, etc.

Directions: Divide the class into groups. Have one group play one game and the other plays another, etc. Students must do what the toy tells them to do. Change games after all students get a chance to play.

Introduce game: Moses led his people through the desert. Do you think they did what he told them to do? Do you think this was easy? Let’s find out.

Outrageous Desert Obstacle Course

Set up an obstacle course that the students must do the crab walk backwards through it. Have them crab walk around objects, go under the table, carry a ball on their stomach and put it into the trash can, etc. Demonstrate what you want the students to do.

Another version:

Introduce game: Do you think it was easy to walk in the desert? Let’s find out.

Supply list: one table, one chair

Set up your obstacle course as described in your instructions and have the children watch you walk through the obstacle course before they try it themselves. As you go through each stage, explain what it represents.

Say: First, you’ll hop on one foot because the sand is so hot. Next, you will crawl under a table to get away from the sun. Then you roll on the ground from exhaustion. Finally, you crawl to a chair to rest.

Have the children go through the obstacle course, resetting it for each child as needed.

Introduce game: What did the Israelites see day in and day out on the desert? Sand

Pass the Sand!

Divide the group into two teams and line them up. Have the first team players in line grab a handful of sand from a container. They must pass the sand to the next player, who passes it to the next player, and so on down the line. When the sand reaches the last player, she pours what's left of it onto a plate. The team with the most sand at the end of the relay wins the game. You may have to weigh the sand on a food scale to find out if it's close!


Introduce snack: What is out in a desert? Sand Ants in the Sand

What did God give the Israelites to eat? Manna, bread from heaven and quail. Manna

What is quail? It is a small bird. What does it taste like? It tastes like chicken.

Give the children chicken tenders and discuss how quail tastes like chicken.

Letter Q Snacks-

Quiche and Quesadillas


Prayers while students are doing worksheets and/or coloring. Moses said to them, "It is the bread that the LORD has given you to eat." Exodus 16:15 (coloring) Q Quail (coloring) Q is for Quail (coloring)

Bible Stories from A to Z by Mary Murray- Quail From Heaven (booklet for the children to color), page 91

Moses in the Desert- booklet for the children to color What begins with Q? (mini book) Quail (handwriting) Hidden Letter Worksheet Letter Q Letter Q Practice Sheet Dinner on the Ground (maze) The 40 Year Journey (maze) Q quail (dot-to-dot)

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