Saturday, December 18, 2010

365 Thank You's

Just wanted to share with you a segment I caught on Good Morning America the other day. Maybe you saw it? Usually, I'm not a morning t.v. watcher, but this day I had it on for sound as I was putzing around the kitchen. A man by the name of John Kralik has authored a book titled "365 Thank You's." His story goes something like this: having been at a very low spot for some time in his life, and feeling that he had nothing to be grateful for, he noticed while getting his daily coffee at his favorite coffee house, that the server greeted him by name and asked if he was having his "usual."

While not a monumental event, just being remembered by someone made him feel good...gave him a glimmer of hope. After much thought, he decided to thank or correspond with other people in his life, from old friends of the past to medical caregivers, etc. He challenged himself to write one thank-you a day for a year. This simple act changed his outlook on life, and he realized that he had much to be grateful for.

His book will be released December 28, by Hyperion Publishers. If you'd like to see the video clip from CMA, or read an excerpt from his book, click here. This promises to be an excellent read, especially at a time when stresses seem to be heightened with the holidays. We could all use a little reminding about what we have to be thankful for, don't you think?

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