Friday, February 13, 2009

Lesson Plan- Unforgiving Servant (1st grade on up)

Unforgiving Servant

Objectives: The students will be able to
- retell the story The Unforgiving Servant
- explain why God forgives us when we are truly sorry
- explain why we are to forgive others over and over again
- describe how we can be kind and forgiving to others

Prayer, Take Home Sheet, and vocabulary from last week’s lesson and also Objects Used as Mass cards (show picture cards that we have done thus far)

Vocabulary Words: (Write the bold words on the board and discuss with class)
debt- something that is owed
servant- somebody who serves another
parable- a story with a hidden meaning
mercy- forgiveness


Read story: “The Unforgiving Servant” and ask questions from Take Home Sheet that will be sent home today.

The Unforgiving Servant Matthew 18:21-22

One day Peter came and asked Jesus, “Lord, how often should I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Should I forgive him seven times?”

Jesus said to Peter: Not seven times, but 70 times seven times.

So then Jesus told him a parable of the Unforgiving Servant.

A king decided to settle accounts with his servants. One servant owed him a large sum, but could not pay it. Since the servant could not pay the debt, the king commanded that the servant’s land and property be sold and that he and his family be sold as slaves in order to settle the debt.

The servant fell down and worshipped the king, and begged him to have patience with him, promising to pay it all.

The king was moved with compassion and released him from bondage and forgave the entire debt.

That day, the servant went out and found another fellow servant who owed him money. He grabbed the servant by the throat and told him that he must pay what he owed.

The fellow servant fell down and begged the man to have patience with him, and he would pay what he owed. But instead of showing him mercy, he had the fellow servant thrown into prison.

When the other servants saw how their fellow servant had been treated they were very upset, and they went to the king and told him everything that the unforgiving servant had done.

The king then summoned the unforgiving servant and said to him:

You wicked servant, I forgave you the all the debt you owed because you pleaded with me to do so. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?

The king became very angry with the wicked servant. He had the unforgiving servant arrested, thrown into prison and tortured until the original debt was repaid.

Then Jesus said:

Your heavenly Father will treat you the same way if you do not forgive your brother from your hearts.


Introduce activities: Who many times should you forgive someone? Over and Over Again object lesson Keep On Forgiving object lesson with coloring page, puzzles, quiz, etc. Parable: The Unforgiving Servant lesson


Introduce movie: How many times are you to forgive someone? Many, many times.

God Wants Me To Forgive Them?!- Veggie Tales

The Grapes of Wrath (12 min.)

What did the grapes do to Junior? They made fun of him.

Who does God want us to be kind to? Everyone

When someone says they are sorry and they really mean it, what should you say? I forgive you.

How many times are you supposed to forgive someone? Not 7 times, but seventy times seven (490). In other words, many, many times.

More Crafts

Introduce craft: When we do something wrong, what should we do? Be sorry for what you have done and ask God to forgive you. Seventy Times Seven
How many times should I forgive? A delightful craft to show how often we should forgive one another.

More Games

Introduce game: God forgives the wrong things we have done, what should we do to others who have done something wrong? Forgive them.

The Really Big Book of Bible Games by Gospel Light

Who’s Forgiven (page 66)- When God forgives the wrong things we’ve done, it makes us want to forgive others too. A long time ago, Jesus told a story about a king and a servant who owed the king lots of money. We’re going to play a game that reminds us of what the king did.

This game is free, however it is only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.

The Unforgiving Servant File Folder Game: Players move around the board by apologizing correctly for things they have done wrong while other players forgive their transgressions. The players must say what they should do to correct their mistake and/or what consequences should happen to them so they will learn to take responsibility of their actions. Players must also answer questions about the story “The Unforgiving Servant” to receive a token. The player who reaches FINISH and has the most tokens wins the game.

Directions- Print out Directions and keep inside file folder when not playing game.

Game Board- Print out Game Board, trim, and glue on the inside of the file folder. Make sure the directions are on the front of the file folder. Laminate or cover file folder with clear contact paper to make it last.

*Use these Game Cards or make your own. Print Game Cards out on card stock. Cut out Game Cards. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last. Only use the questions that are age appropriate for your students.

70 x 7 Game Cards- Print 70 x 7 Game Cards out on light yellow card stock. Cut out cards. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.

I’m Sorry Game Cards- Print I’m Sorry Game Cards out on white card stock. Cut out cards. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.

Tokens- Print out several pages of Tokens on card stock. Cut out Tokens. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.

Introduce game: The core lesson for the Unforgiving Servant is the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The Golden Rule File Folder Game- This game helps promote why someone would use proper manners and etiquette in our daily lives.


Introduce snack: When might you need to trust God’s faithfulness? When I do something wrong and ask for God’s forgiveness. Sweet Faith Crackers Faith Cookies Aspiring Artist Cookies
Have the students make cross shaped cookies and decorate them. (Example: one large rectangle for main part of cross, and one smaller rectangle to form the cross).

Puzzles, Mazes, Worksheets:

Nutty Numbers (How many times you should forgive maze)- Maze Mania by Viki Woodworth Jesus Teaches Us How To Love
Follow the path through the garden to reach “Love For Others”. Forgiveness
Write the number of the sentence that matches each picture. Forgiveness
Color only the pictures that show forgiveness. A Forgiveness Story
Write a story about when you were forgiven. Draw a picture about your story. Celebrating God’s Forgiveness
Color by letters. Keep On Forgiving (word search) On Forgiving (spiral puzzle) On Forgiving (matching quiz)

Homework: Prayers and Take Home Sheet (It is in MS Word and can be changed any way you like according to your student’s abilities.)

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