Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thinking about...

"Improvised and expressive art forms include theatre and dance improvisation, clown theatre and certain types of visual art that encourage spontaneous expression in favour of preplanning. the concept of beauty in these art forms relates to a sensitivy and honesty of expression and should not be confused with the beauty of traditionally perfected art forms such as classical music and ballet." Kathleen Rea, The Concept of Wild Beauty in Improvised and Expressive Art Forms

Do you know, when I first read that paragraph, I cried? There was something so important to me about this definition of beauty, this "wild beauty" as Kathleen calls it. I recognized it. I am passionately in love with it. In the theatre, I've experienced it as that moment in rehearsal when suddenly everything goes quiet and still, and everyone knows that something magical has occurred. It's indisputable. It's immediately recognizable. Your hair stands on end. Goosebumps arrive. Or for me, tears. It isn't a moment of classical aesthetic perfection. It's a moment of truth. This 'wild beauty' is a sacred moment of aliveness.

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