Monday, November 26, 2007

The Success Principles ~ Principle 33

99% is a bitch; 100% is a breeze is Jack Canfield's thirty-third success principle. This is about making 100% commitment, a no-excuses policy. This releases you from the stress of debating every day with yourself or others whether you will or will not go to the gym, make a blog entry, spend time writing. When you break a commitment one time, it's easier to break it again. Canfield encourages us to make 100% commitment to those daily disciplines which will get us closer to our dreams.

Now, I understand the value of this principle. And Canfield makes a persuasive argument by talking about the consequences of even 1% lack of commitment - like what if your surgeon performed 99% of his surgeries with great care and let one slide? And 100% commitment definitely supports boundary-setting. For example, if your entire family knows, without question, that every day at 10:30 you write in your journal, they will get used to not bothering you at that time.

But my gut reaction to the principle is that I find it a bit too hard-ass. When Canfield speaks with praise about the man who wouldn't eat ice cream at a party his friends threw for him because he only eats ice cream on a full moon (his friends even created a full moon and invoked the moon goddess's permission), my reaction is that he's being rigid and ungracious.

I am all for sticking with your routines if they support you but I think there can also be something positive about going with the flow of life, trusting your inner rhythms, being open to change, possibility and unexpected ice cream.

What do you think?

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