Saturday, February 11, 2012

What it is.

So it goes.

The UMass kids didn't take it well. Here's some dramatic footage shot from deep in the crowd.

Yesterday embarking upon the woodland way into downtown Northampton.

Arriving on Main Street I gasped with dismay when I saw that the Yellow Sofa coffeehouse was closed and the windows all covered up!

Happily a sign on the door revealed that it has not gone out of business, but is merely closed temporarily for renovations. Perhaps the inspiration to upgrade comes from the pressure from this place which opened last year.

The Roost is a big hit and no doubt sucking up a lot of the coffeehouse traffic down that end of Main Street that once belonged to Yellow Sofa. It will be interesting to see in what new form the Yellow Sofa re-opens as a renewed contender in the eternal Northampton struggle to define hip.

On the back of a STOP sign.

There was an ice festival downtown last night and the sculptures were still unmelted in the morning light. First Church contributed this iceberg of a holy chalice.

Arctic residents conversing outside Thornes.

On a Northampton stage.

from the Pete Sorbi Collection.

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