Saturday, February 11, 2012

Full Speech- Sarah Palin at CPAC 2012

By Susan Duclos

Via NYMag who describes the scene and atmosphere of the CPAC 2012 as Sarah Palin prepared to give the keynote speech:

From the looks of the shrieking, camera-wielding mob that slowly crawled its way across the Marriott lobby this afternoon, we thought for a moment that Ronald Reagan himself had been reincarnated by CPAC scientists as this year's grand finale. But it was only Sarah Palin, still attracting the same vortex of attention — here, at least, among her people — as she ever did at the peak of her powers. This was before tonight's keynote speech, for which hundreds of people lined up hours in advance. So many people, in fact, that three overflow rooms were set up to accommodate them all. When Palin was introduced onstage at around 4:40 p.m., she was greeted by a loud, sustained standing ovation, a standing ovation that would be reprised many times.

Video of Palin's speech below, from The Right Scoop.

More from The Hill, headlined with "Palin shines brightest at CPAC conference."


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